Nearly down to the last nail in coffin

DannyDanny Member Posts: 43
Hi all.
Thought I'd share my thoughts and probably slowly diminishing time playing this game ...
Played this game for ages, don't count myself as a hard core player but I do my share of grinding...
I've spent a fair bit of money when willpower was the must have mastery and was lucky enough to dupe strange a couple times but never had enough class cats to rank him 5/5 but still spent few bucks on him ranking him up,couldn't wait ....
So then came the update willpower downgrading sure we got units back but doesn't replace the cash I spent o well ...then slowly but surely after every update theses guys were making the bugs started creeping in...even worse was to come in my eyes the 12:0 update nerfed Strange a nail through my heart lol,everything I'd looked forward to...they even didn't compensate you..sure they gave you crappie rank downs so you could again start spending on a new more bugs in the game than I've got in the garden
And finally their update last one map with the snow and rain effect unplayable because of lag...
Ruined my win streak,had to use health potions and revives in quests....
Do theses guys actually test their updates before they role it out ,is their development taking place in a primary school ..
This game now for me has nearly played its last 3vs3...after last update...


  • spumingtonspumington Member Posts: 350 ★★
    Danny wrote: »
    even worse was to come in my eyes the 12:0 update nerfed Strange a nail through my heart lol,everything I'd looked forward to...they even didn't compensate you

    Uhh...what? The compensation they gave out for the 12.0 debacle was crazy good. It wasn't just rankdown tickets.

    If you're not having fun with the game anymore, then quit. No sense in playing a game you don't like.
  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,591 ★★★★★
    The lag issue needs to be addressed...which is as simple as removing the freakin' snow and other weather effects from the game. Completely useless and is causing performance issues.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Kabam does need to stop nerfing things so drastically. If they're going to nerf specific things a few at a time, all players with a high level of that thing should get it taken off of their account and their resources refunded so they can choose whether they want it the new way or not. When they nerfed Strange, rank down tickets should've been given out to everyone. When they nerfed Willpower, it should've been taken off of everyone's account and they should've had all their resources they spent refunded so they can choose whether or not they wanted the new, worse version.
  • I_am_GrootI_am_Groot Member Posts: 646 ★★
    Raganator wrote: »
    The lag issue needs to be addressed...which is as simple as removing the freakin' snow and other weather effects from the game. Completely useless and is causing performance issues.
    Weather effects, but fire, smoke, particles and sometimes magics effects too.
    I think it could have a setup option for enable/disable those graphics effects.
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