6* Venompool....not a rant.

So yeah, just pulled him yesterday. Took 24 hours before posting to keep it less emotional.
I have really never used him. Trying to make some lemonade out of this turd.
Any suggestions on synergies or ways to use this guy? A quick search for videos leaves a lot to be desired.
That whole sp2 dance break thing just keeps getting me punched in the face. I have deep wounds going that seems to help on the bleed a bit.
I have SS so at least he gets a little buff from that synergy.
Help a brother out.
I have really never used him. Trying to make some lemonade out of this turd.
Any suggestions on synergies or ways to use this guy? A quick search for videos leaves a lot to be desired.
That whole sp2 dance break thing just keeps getting me punched in the face. I have deep wounds going that seems to help on the bleed a bit.
I have SS so at least he gets a little buff from that synergy.
Help a brother out.
If you don’t already have a lot of XL champs he will be pretty good for you in V2. His regen provides really good sustainability. Just spam L1 and for fight that works, he works.
He can be useful in variant 2, as he's an XL champ, and 3.3 has this global node:
Masacre provides his best synergy. If you can add Masacre as well, he'll get longer bleed and Regen (and Parry-stun).
You could bring him to Variant 2.3.3 which has a global node especially designed for XL size venom family (i.e. Venom the duck, Venom and Venompool)
Apart from Variant 2, I don’t think he could be useful in any Quest....unless he gets buffed
@Magrailothos didn't know about the Masacre synergy, that paired with SS is a help. @Larry_Bobinskin you are just taunting me...
If they would add an armor break when the defender is bleed immune, that would help. I still just get punched in the face after sp2. I think that dance break is just a big tease.
I join the rest of you hoping for a buff at some point. Just a minor one like they did with Gamora would make a big improvement.
Oh and just for salt in the wound.... I pulled him as a 5* last night. RNG is bringing the hate this week.