Mastery Recovery

Alright, so when I first started the game I thought gold and xp were the best things ever and put masteries into those. After playing for almost a year, I have discovered this was a mistake. What I'm wondering is if I recover all my mastery points, will I get back my mastery cores used? I would love to think yes, but am doubting it somewhat.
I plan on resetting my masteries soon, but am not sure if I should add to deep wounds now or wait until I do a full reset so I don't have to get all those cores again.
It costs cores to unlock and units to level up
It is. You have to unlock each rank level on some masteries. Deep wounds, for instance, you pay cores to unlock each subsequent level (5x). After unlock though you never have unlock again. You only pay units to add the points back in those unlocked ranks.
So, if I wanted reset all my masteries and go back to put some ranks into Salve (which I currently have), instead of unlocking it with cores and ranking up with units, it would just cost units because I unlocked it prior to my recovery?
I still think it is BS that we have to pay units to rank up something we already unlocked. This game should have masteries that you need to unlock only. That should be the only cost. Then, we can change mastery builds as we see fit (e.g. Arena Suicide Build, AW defense build, build with MD when using mystics, build with DW when using bleed, etc.). It would make the game so much more like a normal RPG where you can change your skills when you get new items (characters in MCOC) or are playing particular quests.
Awesomesauce. Yeah, I've used at least 7-9 mastery cores to unlock things, so you can understand my hesitation to have to possibly pay all that back. The units not so much just because they are somewhat easily attainable. I think it'd be better if all of them were purchase with gold, haha.