Which is yur Spidey s favourite movie

Aryan9233Aryan9233 Member Posts: 74
Webslinger has 8 movies upto date
Which one you liked the most
Plot actors etc

Which is yur Spidey s favourite movie 59 votes

jdrum663My_Superiorragnarok_947Spiderkiller69Shenk 5 votes
Spider-man 2
Scopeotoe987RookiieSkinnyfatboy82MayisLil_LasagnaOhh_no 6 votes
Spider-man 3
TimrosMostWantedLordNeoDead1FenicoXdSpoodermanxDAlexBossuJtheGoatmanan_44 9 votes
The amazing Spider-man
The amazing Spider-Man 2
Aryan9233Přìņče01Giuliameij 3 votes
Spider-man Homecoming
TaZ_4178PrathapJedi_HawkeB_Dizzle_01AleorRehan010_Akkarin23KRANꓘPyrdaMasterpuffSkyLord7000 11 votes
Spider-man far from home
Lvernon15Hammerbro_64TheHoodedDormammuXva23OGAvengerTSM_McocEdeuinkXanthiaSpideyFunkolowlevelplayerWarlockdaRobotSuperiorSymbioteMathgeek 13 votes
Spider-man into the spider verse
KennadoAb_SamadThatGuyYouSaw235MenkentDr_Z01dberg007md92GiulioV99Leonjr8719Ya_Boi_28FeroX_the_fat_heringSlayerzzHeir_of_thanos 12 votes


  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,963 ★★★★★
    Spider-man far from home
    Spider verse was good, really great cast and Miles was just phenomenal, but the bad guy wasn’t exactly good in my opinion. Kingpin and Doc Ock lady are ok, but I don’t really resonate with them at all. (the leap of faith scene alone is some of the best animation ever)

    I have never gotten around to watching the Raimi trilogy and watching the TASM films either, so I can’t say much.

    Homecoming is... an interesting case. The villain is awesome, and Tom Holland and Jacob Batalon are really fun. My problem is really with Liz, as I never really wanted her to end up with Peter. She wasn’t the best love interest, but okay.

    Spoilers for Homecoming if you haven’t seen it yet:
    The twist in this movie was awesome. I did not see it coming what so ever, and my theater loudly gasped when
    we realized Vulture was Liz’s dad. And the talk on the car? Great. Also, the cmon Spider-Man moment near the end was great as well

    Far From Home is the best epilogue I’ve ever seen. Because that’s what it is, an epilogue to the Infinity Saga. Holland is also really good here as well, but Zendaya is fantastic as MJ. I actually wanted these two to end up together, so a much better job in the love interest department. (Side note: the bridge scene where she lets him know she knows he’s spider man is fantastic)

    But the best performance in this movie was Jake Gyllenhaal as Mysterio. I mean, wow. His chemistry with Holland is really evident and really good (and I mean really good).

    Spoilers for Far From Home in case you haven’t seen it:
    The twist of Mysterio being a bad guy was kinda predictable this time, but no less effective. And then the illusion scene was the best part of this film by far. So trippy yet so fluid at the same time, it’s something you can watch again and again. The bridge scene? Also fantastic. The kiss? Great, loved it. The post credits scenes? The first one was gut wrenching, and I am excited as all get out for the third one. Also, J.K. Simmons! The second one was predictable if you picked up on the clues, which I didn’t. But uh, Fury’s in space now? Does this mean we’re getting sword?

    So yeah, I’m going to go with Far From Home for this one.
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  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    Spider-man far from home
    Contrary to many people, I didn't really like the original tobey maguire spiderman too much. Andrew Garfield spiderman wasn't that great either. The only major complaint that I have about the 3rd spiderman reboot(with tom holland), is that tony stark pretty much just pays for everything. Spiderman is known for being broke. What happened to that? Far from home was better than homecoming imo because I feel like the characters are better developed. Zendaya as MJ is great, but I know some people are pissed because she isn't a white girl named mary jane.
    The postcredit scene was a interesting plot twist.
    I just wish they had kept this in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77OjEqP9UFQ

    I think of far from home as more of an iron man movie though. Throughout the whole movie, one of the only things that they really talk about is tony.
  • Leonjr8719Leonjr8719 Member Posts: 146
    Spider-man into the spider verse

    Contrary to many people, I didn't really like the original tobey maguire spiderman too much. Andrew Garfield spiderman wasn't that great either. The only major complaint that I have about the 3rd spiderman reboot(with tom holland), is that tony stark pretty much just pays for everything. Spiderman is known for being broke. What happened to that? Far from home was better than homecoming imo because I feel like the characters are better developed. Zendaya as MJ is great, but I know some people are pissed because she isn't a white girl named mary jane.
    The postcredit scene was a interesting plot twist.
    I just wish they had kept this in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77OjEqP9UFQ

    I think of far from home as more of an iron man movie though. Throughout the whole movie, one of the only things that they really talk about is tony.

    They went with tony to change up the uncle Ben and peter story. Which by that point was dried up. It was almost on the level of Batman’s parents getting shot in every movie he was in lol. Peter always needed that figure in his stories and this was the best option. Honestly it spider verse for me. From the animation to the soundtrack the movie is an instant rewatchable and it hits Every beat you should expect from a spider man film or for that matter a super hero one. It’s truly the Spider-Man movie we deserve after sitting through electro rapping in asm 2
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,963 ★★★★★
    Spider-man far from home

    Contrary to many people, I didn't really like the original tobey maguire spiderman too much. Andrew Garfield spiderman wasn't that great either. The only major complaint that I have about the 3rd spiderman reboot(with tom holland), is that tony stark pretty much just pays for everything. Spiderman is known for being broke. What happened to that? Far from home was better than homecoming imo because I feel like the characters are better developed. Zendaya as MJ is great, but I know some people are pissed because she isn't a white girl named mary jane.
    The postcredit scene was a interesting plot twist.
    I just wish they had kept this in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77OjEqP9UFQ

    I think of far from home as more of an iron man movie though. Throughout the whole movie, one of the only things that they really talk about is tony.

    that deleted scene is so wholesome it’s canon fight me
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  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    Spider-man far from home

    No love for the movie that made Spiderman a household name? Spiderman 1 and 2 are some of the best stand alone superhero movies ever made. Yes, Raimi's iteration is quite cheesy compared to the Amazing spidey nd Mcoc spidey but comic book movies and cheese mixed together feel like a tasty slice of pizza. Today's kids are gonna disagree but 90's kids know that Tobey is the best wall crawler.

    holland is a more modern variation that I believe is more "relatable" to kids nowadays, which is probably why it is so popular
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,963 ★★★★★
    Spider-man far from home

    No love for the movie that made Spiderman a household name? Spiderman 1 and 2 are some of the best stand alone superhero movies ever made. Yes, Raimi's iteration is quite cheesy compared to the Amazing spidey nd Mcoc spidey but comic book movies and cheese mixed together feel like a tasty slice of pizza. Today's kids are gonna disagree but 90's kids know that Tobey is the best wall crawler.

    I’d probably rank it first if I ever find time to watch them
  • Scopeotoe987Scopeotoe987 Member Posts: 1,564 ★★★★★
    Spider-man 2
    Pizza time. But honestly Spider man 2 was just a fun spider man movie and also how you make a sequel to the original.
  • Aryan9233Aryan9233 Member Posts: 74
    The amazing Spider-Man 2
    Amazing Spider-Man 2 had a plot. Serious.
    Richard Parker was shown. It was following the classic comic story. First Gwen then MJ (asm 3 was to introduce her). I seriously waited for the third movie. Norman Osborn sinister six specially.
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,963 ★★★★★
    Spider-man far from home
    looking at this poll I’m very surprised FFH is winning
  • XdSpoodermanxDXdSpoodermanxD Member Posts: 531 ★★★
    Spider-man 3
    I’m not saying it’s underrated.....

    but it’s underrated.
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