AQ Crystal drop rates

RixobRixob Member Posts: 505 ★★
Does prestige have anything to do with drop rates from AQ crystals? I am new to the game and my rating is only 180K and my prestige is very low only 3.8K I have 4 r5 4* and one r3 5*. My prestige is low because my only R5 are SL, Switch, Wolvie & Thor. All have low prestige. I have been getting map 5 and 6 crystals for consistently and have not once gotten a T4cc in my MCOC career. I have gotten one basic.
Other members in my alliance seem to be getting 1-3 T4cc a week from their AQ crystals. I am the loweest in my alliance by far, maybe prestige has something to do with it? Seems like the people with the luck are in the 300-400k rating range....


  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    It's all luck. I went for about 4 months without pulling a full catalyst and just pulled 3 in the past 2 weeks.
  • ZabirZabir Member Posts: 76
    Yea rating is most important thing in this game, all crystals drop rates depend on rating, AQ points also by rating, HAIL RATING!
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