Is there conditions needed to extend arena?

KbugiiKbugii Member Posts: 167 ★★
So this unexpected maintenance has now happened during both Kingpin arenas. This is making it hard for those trying to grind it out when the game just suddenly goes down. There are many of us who plan around the arenas with some of the huge numbers needed. Can any of the mods shed some light on when the team looks at certain circumstances when it comes to arenas?
For example I know there were issues a while back where Cable had to go a third time because of the arena problems.


  • Drummer16Drummer16 Member Posts: 324 ★★
    edited September 2017
    This issue is nothing compared to the other week when it was down 5 times in a single day. But, I wholeheartedly agree with you 100% that it is BS when we are grinding and the timer is ticking down while the game is down. People in other timezones may be sleeping during that time and be completely unaffected. The way they handled hyperion pissed me off with the android thing because they gave them the ability to pusht he cutoff higher than anyone ever expected and I missed him by 100k. I will never forget that BS. I know you are going for 18m, but it's probably more work to put up 10m for AA in basic just to be "safe" nowadays since the amount of points in basic is lower per round.

    I'm more pissed there are 6* coming and all that time I wasted grinding for what will be the new 3* is now going to be a complete waste of life.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,980 ★★★★★
    Well, I don't believe this instance would apply because it was only down for a short amount of time.
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