What do you want the roadmap to address?



  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★

    Also a revamp of the solo greater and lesser Crystals. They are so bad, maybe create an uncollected one for 5000 and 2000 and a cavalier one for 10000 and 5000. We all have enough. I opened 100 searching for 3 t1a a few weeks ago. I opened like 25 XP boosts and 1 t1a.

    I don’t have a gold problem but for anyone who is uncollected and cavalier create a gold boost to replace the XP boost. All those are for us who are level 60 is a way to increase item use. Maybe even just get rid of the XP boost. There is so much content in the game getting to level 60 really isn’t that hard to do anymore. I did it fairly quickly when I forst started playing the game.

    More 5 star sig availability.

    More rotating solo 22 hour events. Get rid of event quest completion.

    Bring in a solo item use, make hero use more fun (villain, guardian, x men, fantastic 4, avenger, male, female, class based) keep arena wins the same but make 5 and 6 star champ worth more in both hero and arena wins. Maybe do a weekly SA solo, like the sigil version but for everyone.

    There is a lot that can be done to make the game more fun and interactive. Those are just something’s

    the gun? oh you fixed it as i posted this wow
    Lol yeah I noticed also and changed it
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    Lvernon15 said:

    Lvernon15 said:

    gp87 said:

    1. New arena aiming at 6* shards.
    2. New arena aiming to t2A & t5c.
    3. Cavalier difficulty aiming at high end players (t5cc class catalysts crystals)
    4. After every difficult content rewards no more rng based (selector for t5 class catalysts - only nexus 6* crystals).
    5. Bigger drop rates to cavalier crystals & removing the 3*.
    6. Big revamp at AW - stop those defence tactis - buff the rewards for 30 days effort.
    7. Aq rewards for top 90 alliances.

    I agree with them all apart from cavs, if they’re buffed all it does is give whales even more of an advantage as they do now and f2p and low spenders fall back even further
    I also agree with everything except the rewards for top 90 alliances. Increase rewards for everyone. Not just the top alliances. Everyone should be able to progress. Not just the top 90 alliances.
    Yeah, buff it across the board, and make the highest places, top 30 mainly, a significant source of t5cc
    Yup definitely. My alliance is a top 250-300 so a slight increase without needing to break into map 7 would be great.
  • LewisTheLlamaLewisTheLlama Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    I just want it to give me hope for the future of the game; to show that they are going to implement change and not just say how they know it’s needed, for they’ve done that before and not actually acted upon their words.
  • gp87gp87 Member Posts: 325 ★★★
    Lvernon15 said:

    gp87 said:

    1. New arena aiming at 6* shards.
    2. New arena aiming to t2A & t5c.
    3. Cavalier difficulty aiming at high end players (t5cc class catalysts crystals)
    4. After every difficult content rewards no more rng based (selector for t5 class catalysts - only nexus 6* crystals).
    5. Bigger drop rates to cavalier crystals & removing the 3*.
    6. Big revamp at AW - stop those defence tactis - buff the rewards for 30 days effort.
    7. Aq rewards for top 90 alliances.

    I agree with them all apart from cavs, if they’re buffed all it does is give whales even more of an advantage as they do now and f2p and low spenders fall back even further
    Whales are also way ahead, for them now the resources that need is t5CC... most of the top alliances have 6/ sig 200.

    It is time to make 6* more accessible to everyone.

  • QfuryQfury Member Posts: 1,860 ★★★★★
    Lower attack rating in act 6.2 to 6.4 by atleast 50%
    Nerf the champion boss
    Buff rewards, uncollected etc
    Drop the cav difficulty already
    Make act 7 nothing like act 6 - because act 6 is the worst & most depressing piece of content to date.
    Let us choose the champ we want for x-amount of shards
    Variant 5

    Take the game down completely for 2 weeks to implement the above.... Also sort all the bugs out whilst your at it
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    Qfury said:

    Lower attack rating in act 6.2 to 6.4 by atleast 50%
    Nerf the champion boss
    Buff rewards, uncollected etc
    Drop the cav difficulty already
    Make act 7 nothing like act 6 - because act 6 is the worst & most depressing piece of content to date.
    Let us choose the champ we want for x-amount of shards
    Variant 5

    Take the game down completely for 2 weeks to implement the above.... Also sort all the bugs out whilst your at it

    one of those has a release date (sort of) and another has been confirmed as in it will happen.

    also, if the game goes down for two weeks, a lot of things would happen. Don’t think it will
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    gp87 said:

    Lvernon15 said:

    gp87 said:

    1. New arena aiming at 6* shards.
    2. New arena aiming to t2A & t5c.
    3. Cavalier difficulty aiming at high end players (t5cc class catalysts crystals)
    4. After every difficult content rewards no more rng based (selector for t5 class catalysts - only nexus 6* crystals).
    5. Bigger drop rates to cavalier crystals & removing the 3*.
    6. Big revamp at AW - stop those defence tactis - buff the rewards for 30 days effort.
    7. Aq rewards for top 90 alliances.

    I agree with them all apart from cavs, if they’re buffed all it does is give whales even more of an advantage as they do now and f2p and low spenders fall back even further
    Whales are also way ahead, for them now the resources that need is t5CC... most of the top alliances have 6/ sig 200.

    It is time to make 6* more accessible to everyone.

    Then make them more accessible to everyone rather than to whales by making cavs the source, make them available in content instead
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Qfury said:

    Let us choose the champ we want for x-amount of shards

    Just no. Horrible idea.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★
    Sig Stone Availability.

    Just stick one onto each path of the daily class catalyst quest. It's just as easy as that.
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    edited June 2020

    Also a revamp of the solo greater and lesser Crystals. They are so bad, maybe create an uncollected one for 5000 and 2000 and a cavalier one for 10000 and 5000. We all have enough. I opened 100 searching for 3 t1a a few weeks ago. I opened like 25 XP boosts and 1 t1a.

    I don’t have a gold problem but for anyone who is uncollected and cavalier create a gold boost to replace the XP boost. All those are for us who are level 60 is a way to increase item use. Maybe even just get rid of the XP boost. There is so much content in the game getting to level 60 really isn’t that hard to do anymore. I did it fairly quickly when I forst started playing the game.

    More 5 star sig availability.

    More rotating solo 22 hour events. Get rid of event quest completion.

    Bring in a solo item use, make hero use more fun (villain, guardian, x men, fantastic 4, avenger, male, female, class based) keep arena wins the same but make 5 and 6 star champ worth more in both hero and arena wins. Maybe do a weekly SA solo, like the sigil version but for everyone.

    There is a lot that can be done to make the game more fun and interactive. Those are just something’s

    the gun? oh you fixed it as i posted this wow
    Lol yeah I noticed also and changed it

    ***edit**** no clue why this just posted
  • Etm34Etm34 Member Posts: 1,688 ★★★★★

    Sig Stone Availability.

    Just stick one onto each path of the daily class catalyst quest. It's just as easy as that.

    I forgot the daily quests existed. Speaking of them, does 2.4k class shards a week actually benefit anyone? Takes 15 weeks to form one singular T4CC. Either buff that significantly, or just remove it to save server space.
  • RasiloverRasilover Member Posts: 1,477 ★★★★
    edited June 2020
    Arena revamp.
    More gold, battle chips, units grandmaster shards for uncollected, cavalier for cavalier
    5 star basic arena
    6*Rank 3 death match tuning
    Ranked rewards increase
    Top 150 to 400
    Act 6 changes (Making a dedicated easy path for players to beat him once, deleting no retreat or adding a skilled based way to heal no retreat damage, 6.3 6.4 block damage, addressing niche champion specifics paths and fights, etc.)

    Making end game content rewards less rng
    (Imagine 100% abyss and you cant even get a rank 3 6 star)
    Possible discussion of adding nexus crystals for purchase of shards
    Incursion rewards update
    Solo event updates
    More sig stone availability and less rng
    Madtery slots that we can build so we dont to spend units just to take off suicides
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  • Sinedd92Sinedd92 Member Posts: 100
    So many comments about act 6 being "So hard, the worst content", etc. I'm an endgame tryhard player, I get fun only by going through difficult fights that require a lot of skill and good heroes. I'd still remove the nodes from the champion since the fight is extremely difficult even without nodes when you go 100%.
    There are many players just like me who want difficult content or the game turns into just a clicker.
    I don't want the content be either act 1 or AoL, so either you just autobattle it or spend 10 revives to kill 1 opponent. It should be difficult enough to make the game fun and kepp players busy till the next big expansions, but not punish you this hard for a slight mistake. In most of the times when I play Quake in act 6 and I miss 1 hit - I'm dead (especially on bosses). I'd like to have a chance to comeback after 1 or 2 combos maybe on low hp, still I'd prefer decently difficult content over a very easy one.

    I believe most of the endgame players could agree that the Grandmaster fight is probably a perfect model of a good design. You can oneshot him with any single champion if you're skilled enough, but even if you miss a couple times, 1 or 2 revives are okay to use.
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    So doing some thinking, a five star basic arena available to UC players and up, that awards Grandmaster shards instead of PHC shards.

    Once you hit cavalier, the daily Grandmaster shard calendar could either upgrade (more shards) or they could introduce cav shard crystals and then you get shards for logging in.
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