Incursion suggestion!

AstronomicalAstronomical Member Posts: 26
edited June 2020 in Suggestions and Requests
Something needs to be done in terms of how the system matchmaking system works. I am tired of getting matched with players who join to just quit on zone 1 and players who don’t even communicate. My alliance members are not always available to do incursions and global is a mess so most of the time I have to resort to randoms.

I suggest that players should be matched based on the average number of zones they can complete per sector and this data refreshes every month. This would introduce a system of matchmaking based on capability and would reduce the likelihood of getting matched with someone who is likely to be unreliable.


  • QfuryQfury Member Posts: 1,860 ★★★★★

    Something needs to be done in terms of how the system matchmaking system works. I am tired of getting matched with players who join to just quit on zone 1 and players who don’t even communicate. My alliance members are not always available to do incursions and global is a mess so most of the time I have to resort to randoms.

    I suggest that players should be matched based on the average number of zones they can complete per sector and this data refreshes every month. This would introduce a system of matchmaking based on capability and would reduce the likelihood of getting matched with someone who is likely to be unreliable.

    I agree to a degree... I have to play with randoms also, have done since the beginning due to alliance mates not being able to deal with sec 7, I've had one bad experience so far but I've also never been paired with anyone who can get past room 7/8, my last run the guy I got paired with scrimped and scraped his way through room 6 and I had to clear the whole of room 7 on my own & even at the end of it I still finished the room with champs on full health (cmm and her indestructible saved the day)

    My point being if I can only get to room 7/8 due to partners then surely I'm only going to get matched with people that could only do room 7/8. Where as I know I'm capable of much more with the right partner
  • AstronomicalAstronomical Member Posts: 26
    edited June 2020
    @Qfury I understand what you mean and I see that I missed out on some points but it would be nice to see a change in the incursion matchmaking
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