Looking for active members

The Black Order is a group of alliances who strive to support each other in and out of MCOC. We are all very big on communication and try to give all members of our allies as many benefits as possible and access to a large pool of experienced players from all walks of life and countries around the world. It is our goal to assist all players and alliances within our family to bring the highest level of organization and communication to their groups and maximize their time and potential rewards from this game we all love.
message : TheBeardedGamer#0542 on discord if interested


  • AnainkAnaink Member Posts: 15
    Still looking
  • AnainkAnaink Member Posts: 15
    1 more
  • AnainkAnaink Member Posts: 15
    Please don't hesitate if any questions. If interested, just post your In Game name and I'll find you.
  • GryiffGryiff Member Posts: 5
    Hey there : )
    We got a good group of about 10 solid guys looking to merge, is that a possibility ? Let me know if that at all is something you may be interested in, i think based on how you described what you needed we would sync quite well
  • AnainkAnaink Member Posts: 15
    edited June 2020
    Hey @Gryiff,
    your proposal is very interesting, but we currently only have 2 spots available.
  • AnainkAnaink Member Posts: 15
    In need of one member! Pls send in game message to anaink...
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