LF 4 for 66555 AQ and GOLD 2 ALLIANCE

Hey all,
Kunoichi is looking for 4 players with a prestige over 9 for a friendly and chill alliance with a fun group of adults. We run Map 66555 x3 AQ and score close to 300m. Currently in Gold 2 AW but close to G1 with 3 BGs. Preferably US/CA time zone and must have Line. If you want some great rewards and want to continue to grow come join us!
If interested and want to chat add me on Line : ChrisRM93
Kunoichi is looking for 4 players with a prestige over 9 for a friendly and chill alliance with a fun group of adults. We run Map 66555 x3 AQ and score close to 300m. Currently in Gold 2 AW but close to G1 with 3 BGs. Preferably US/CA time zone and must have Line. If you want some great rewards and want to continue to grow come join us!
If interested and want to chat add me on Line : ChrisRM93