Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

New 5star featured crystals

sfu_koraxsfu_korax Posts: 241 ★★
Just want to make something clear. In the sub-hero 5star pool of the new 5star featured hero crystals, the classic 5stars that are now included (spider-man, rhino etc.) will not be there right?


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    Hey there Themis_xwsths,

    Just a heads up, I have moved this to the correct part of the forums for you :) Trying to keep it organized!
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    Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Posts: 8,270
    You can still get the basic set of 5-Star Champions from the Featured Crystal. There is just now also a lesser chance to score one of the "sub-featured" Champs as well.
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    sfu_koraxsfu_korax Posts: 241 ★★
    edited May 2017
    Ok thanks for the help. I guess I will see it with more detail when the change is made!
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    JarnevdbJarnevdb Posts: 1
    Ik wil een 5star
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    Evil_TwinEvil_Twin Posts: 66
    A lesser chance than the featured but a better chance then basic...yes?
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    PhillyEaglesSPhillyEaglesS Posts: 49
    Evil_Twin wrote: »
    A lesser chance than the featured but a better chance then basic...yes?

    Wrong. Think of it this way using hypothetical numbers. Let's say prior to the sub-features being added the odds were as follows:

    Basic champ: 75%
    Feature: 25%

    Now with sub-features it will be something more along the lines of the following. Note it's been stated before that feature odds will remain the same. Sub-features are meant to have a rare drop.

    Basic champ: 70%
    Feature: 25%
    Sub-feature: 5%

    Once again those are hypotheticals, but give a break-down of relative chances.
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    Evil_TwinEvil_Twin Posts: 66
    And now I weep.
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    LocoMotivesLocoMotives Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    Why weep? You lost nothing from this change, you get a small chance at an old featured chance added to the Crystal. It's a plus to me.
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