5* Ronan's Sig is worthless in act 6!

I have a 5* Ronan at 200 Sig!
why is it when I stun an opponent with 4 or more buffs do they not stay stunned longer than usual as per his sig ability?
Whenever I stun an enemy they lose the stun as fast as anyone else stunning them!
Shouldn't they stay stunned longer than usual?
Especially with 4 or more buffs?
why is it when I stun an opponent with 4 or more buffs do they not stay stunned longer than usual as per his sig ability?
Whenever I stun an enemy they lose the stun as fast as anyone else stunning them!
Shouldn't they stay stunned longer than usual?
Especially with 4 or more buffs?
It could deppend on the rest of the nodes, as well as the opponent you are fightning against
there are buffs and passive effects
just as there are debuffs and passive effects.
buffs and debuffs have a while circle on them that acts as the timer.
passive effects are a solid color and the whole colour acts as a timer.
very important to learn as there are many things that affect buffs and not passives.
many passives are designed to deliberately get around nullify and similar effects.