tactics are inherently flawed. You can't promote diversity when you, by definition, have a tactic that isolates a sub-set of champs and give them some kind of advantage. That's actually the opposite of promoting diversity.
If they would actuly do something usefull with the attacker tactic I could see it would promote diversity.
They plan to buff them in the future. Like why not make them usefull in the first place. They were scared that the map would be too easy and ppl dont buy enough boosts and heals I bet 😅
Forced diversity and only being able to use each tactic so many times a season or not being able to reuse one until you've used all others would shake things up a bit and not have things feel so static
I agree. But that would not be good for an other reason.
Do you know how much time it costs to plan out a defense and the attack each time? It would be a nightmare for every alliance that takes War somewhat serious.
I could see officers and leaders buring out from that very fast
They mentioned that the majority of this map was designed before all our feedback which means they were likely still aiming for their old misguided “make the map 10x harder for a tiny upgrade in rewards” approach. Maybe the alliance roadmap delay was because of war feedback so I’d say wait for that roadmap tonight, then flip some tables if they say we have to deal with this iteration of AW for a full season.
As of right now I’m not sure I care enough to play this new iteration of alliance war, I have been playing semi relaxed, gold 1-2 just to avoid flow. But they’ve ruined that by adding all these stupid node combinations to tier 6, but hey, atleast we get an extra 500 6* shards...
"For example, Ebb and Flow - Intercept is a version of Aegis Intercept that lets you do some damage, even if you can't hit the opponent with an intercept, but the addition of Tenacity makes it too difficult because you can no longer Slow Rhino." my question to Kabam , were these nodes tested prior to release and if so who thought these would be fun and interactive, i understand these were made prior to the road map but still i mean we all complain about defensive tactics and also how stressful war was and prior to the Road map this was the plan, like honestly how does this make war less stressful or even fun, I'm convinced that you guys don't even care about the players because no way something like this goes live, either that or you guys just look at numbers $$$ and say how can we make more money next war season.
- The goal here is to eliminate overly punishing nodes. Not everything listed here will be actioned on, as these Maps still need to challenge Alliance.
Taking the above quote from the other thread since it would likely get deleted in that thread.
This has long been the problem. What Kabam views as a challenge the community views as frustrating (rather than fun). It's fine to be challenging, but it also has to be fun. Challenge has translated into "how can we monetize AW". And that's the problem - people don't want throw money at something that is frustrating. I'm happy to Kabam is listening with respect to node combinations. Generally, I don't have a problem with nodes, but when you now add the modifiers on top of the nodes and require us to change attack teams based on the global node is not a path many alliances will bother with (except those at the very top).
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Dev Diary that just posted effectively says that season 19 is locked as is. They might tune some nodes and tactics before the season starts, but that's it. No mention of fixing the very top heavy rewards.
Edit: I'm not sure why this was delayed. It looks like they just copy&paste in the post from this thread confirming that s19 was already packaged before they decided to start making roadmaps.
Epic failure kabam the new nodes are bs all around try fixing the game pervormance issues along with the countless other issues with your game and end these epic failures your so proud of before you make more people quit playiing the game or have you still failed to realize its the people playing the game that are the only reason you exist. Thanks
if you look at this video you'll see he doesn't have suicide, and the fight is without parry. after one minute into the fight there is a stun so i can understand the first fury, but 1:30 he gain 3 furies without any debuff apply on him, and then again at 1:43 he gain 5 furies without any debuff on him. at 1:50 his trigger his decoy and gain a lot of powers without domino nullifying his buff but something dropped his fury back to 1 and few seconds later to 3 again... is that a bug or i'm missing something?
if you look at this video you'll see he doesn't have suicide, and the fight is without parry. after one minute into the fight there is a stun so i can understand the first fury, but 1:30 he gain 3 furies without any debuff apply on him, and then again at 1:43 he gain 5 furies without any debuff on him. at 1:50 his trigger his decoy and gain a lot of powers without domino nullifying his buff but something dropped his fury back to 1 and few seconds later to 3 again... is that a bug or i'm missing something?
Lol just came here to say this. What a stupid champ node combination is this. But node says “removed in anyway” so fury removes himself and gains tons of powers. I was cautious but like you said those furies accumulated like crazy and he finished me with sp3.
Please !!!! Nod 23 and Ironman Infinity War. We are all experienced players, more than 4 years. This node with this particular champion 🤦🏻♂️. Tunnel Vision + Flow ??????? This is supposed to be more entertaining and now we are forced to spend resources on war as well.
if you look at this video you'll see he doesn't have suicide, and the fight is without parry. after one minute into the fight there is a stun so i can understand the first fury, but 1:30 he gain 3 furies without any debuff apply on him, and then again at 1:43 he gain 5 furies without any debuff on him. at 1:50 his trigger his decoy and gain a lot of powers without domino nullifying his buff but something dropped his fury back to 1 and few seconds later to 3 again... is that a bug or i'm missing something?
Lol just came here to say this. What a stupid champ node combination is this. But node says “removed in anyway” so fury removes himself and gains tons of powers. I was cautious but like you said those furies accumulated like crazy and he finished me with sp3.
removing buffs should give him power but how he get all these furies if i don't place any debuff on him? (except of the first one that came after stun)
Terrible design. Painful to play. 3rd war and my team has tried to adapt to it but finally we decided to sit AW out. Lost cause.
Is it really not possible to just revert it back to what we had last season? You guys must have it as a template or something?? Let us continue we the same old stuff till you put something better in place. Why put ppl off the game. I don't get it...
The most annoying part of this game is when you die hitting, and this is more and more, all opponents and nodes are this, limbo, fatigue, damage reversal, skewer, without withdrawals, degeneration, korg, void, magik, killmonger, iceman, damage like not more to know where it comes from ... soon there will be a heart attack node
many times I wonder, what do you think? See things that harm the player, gameplay, experience and quality of life for everyone. they refuse to make their mistakes, they don't play at all, they don't understand what they do, don't they care? It is in very bad taste that they do not take us seriously. The big problem are the nodes and the bad design of these .I hope this new roadmap is really a start from scratch where it is necessary as they have said and correct problems efficiently where it must be corrected. because I am quite upset with the game and how it has gone to $m@sh...
Some nodes, if defended by the correct champ, become impenetrable. My maxed out champs survived literally only 3-4 seconds each. I’m for sure not the most skillful player here but come on 4 seconds?
Oh boy, you cant even imagine how I express my love for Kabam afterwards.
So they removed aggression fury in tier 1-3 but left it in tier 4? Make it make sense please
Did they ever have aggression fury? From what I’ve seen, tier 1 has only had to deal with aggression prowess w/ tunnel vision & oscillate on node 23. Much easier.
Maybe that’s why you don’t see many of the 1%er’s complaining here 😆
Here’s the rub T12 30m alliance Playing for these measly rewards 60% of the way through and already 32 deaths per alliance, I’ve used most of my glory on pots this week because I lead my bg, and am obligated to help with the harder nodes. Cost does not equal reward
So they removed aggression fury in tier 1-3 but left it in tier 4? Make it make sense please
Did they ever have aggression fury? From what I’ve seen, tier 1 has only had to deal with aggression prowess w/ tunnel vision & oscillate on node 23. Much easier.
Maybe that’s why you don’t see many of the 1%er’s complaining here 😆
Aggression fury was there from the start but they changed it to prowess for higher tiers. Because tier 4 has the amazing skill to deal with nodes masters can’t handle
Guys maybe they did test it and they had all the same trouble we’re having.
With that being said they decided “sweet this is perfect if they want to 100% they will need to use all 15 items and all of them will be the higher priced Aw boosts and potions” Perfect!
They have said previously that they do no want us to 100% the map. It is not a surprise
I’m glad they addressed that “we shouldn’t 100% map” nonsense in the roadmap because it is ridiculous. Basically us vs Kabam rather than alliance vs alliance
After new nodes in AW appear we are in point is we able to go thru the Tunnel vision node or not. If not as usual a war is finished. Nothing else could be done so Congratulation Kabam you reach the point when you can close Aw we won't to participate in.
They plan to buff them in the future. Like why not make them usefull in the first place. They were scared that the map would be too easy and ppl dont buy enough boosts and heals I bet 😅
Do you know how much time it costs to plan out a defense and the attack each time? It would be a nightmare for every alliance that takes War somewhat serious.
I could see officers and leaders buring out from that very fast
As of right now I’m not sure I care enough to play this new iteration of alliance war, I have been playing semi relaxed, gold 1-2 just to avoid flow. But they’ve ruined that by adding all these stupid node combinations to tier 6, but hey, atleast we get an extra 500 6* shards...
This has long been the problem. What Kabam views as a challenge the community views as frustrating (rather than fun). It's fine to be challenging, but it also has to be fun. Challenge has translated into "how can we monetize AW". And that's the problem - people don't want throw money at something that is frustrating. I'm happy to Kabam is listening with respect to node combinations. Generally, I don't have a problem with nodes, but when you now add the modifiers on top of the nodes and require us to change attack teams based on the global node is not a path many alliances will bother with (except those at the very top).
Edit: I'm not sure why this was delayed. It looks like they just copy&paste in the post from this thread confirming that s19 was already packaged before they decided to start making roadmaps.
if you look at this video you'll see he doesn't have suicide, and the fight is without parry.
after one minute into the fight there is a stun so i can understand the first fury, but 1:30 he gain 3 furies without any debuff apply on him, and then again at 1:43 he gain 5 furies without any debuff on him. at 1:50 his trigger his decoy and gain a lot of powers without domino nullifying his buff but something dropped his fury back to 1 and few seconds later to 3 again...
is that a bug or i'm missing something?
This is supposed to be more entertaining and now we are forced to spend resources on war as well.
Is it really not possible to just revert it back to what we had last season? You guys must have it as a template or something?? Let us continue we the same old stuff till you put something better in place. Why put ppl off the game. I don't get it...
Oh boy, you cant even imagine how I express my love for Kabam afterwards.
Maybe that’s why you don’t see many of the 1%er’s complaining here 😆
T12 30m alliance Playing for these measly rewards
60% of the way through and already 32 deaths per alliance, I’ve used most of my glory on pots this week because I lead my bg, and am obligated to help with the harder nodes. Cost does not equal reward
Aggression fury was there from the start but they changed it to prowess for higher tiers. Because tier 4 has the amazing skill to deal with nodes masters can’t handle
30m alliance