She Hulk Bug vs. 6.2.6 Champion Boss

She Hulk’s slow ability is not preventing the Champion from going unstoppable anymore. I ran it this morning down the center path. It will nullify an active unstoppable but not prevent new ones from triggering. I tried her out in a duel against Juggernaut and it works as it should so I think it’s just the 6.2.6 Champion fight that’s bugged. Not sure if this has something to do with the Champion rework or not.
That happens due to increased ability accuracy
Its definitely a bug. I was about to hit him while he had slow on him and then I was stunned due to hitting him while unstoppable which should have been negated due to the slow. Ruined my first run attempt
It has happened to me as well. I searched the forums to find the Champion can proc unstoppable with champions of the universe, but the unstoppable buff appeared every single time.