Storyline Gold Rewards are Unreasonable

I won’t bore you with all the math and assumptions, but the MCOC Storyline Quests Gold Rewards are unreasonably low for the content we’re competing with. I’m only going to use Act 5.3 as an example. I think it’s a safe assumption to say that any player to have reached this point in the game has a decent level of skill, even so, would require at least (1) 5-star, Rank 4, Level 55 champion to traverse Act 5.3 Content. So how much does a 5* 4/55 cost in gold? Again, won’t bore you but it’s roughly 1.6Million Gold if you’re using Class ISO-8 only. Obviously we don’t all use pure Class T5 ISO-8 but for arguments sake let stick to 1.6M.

Act 5.3 (insert complicated boring math and assumptions here) provides around 289,554 gold... Take a second to let that sink in. I “need” a 5-star, 4/55 champion to complete 5.3 (reasonably), but I only accumulate 17.3% of a 4/55’s gold cost by completing 5.3? Doesn’t seem fair huh? Fast forward through a few hours of math and in fact almost none of the Act’s provide a reasonable amount of gold to rank/level the champion needed at a minimum to complete the contest… So how do we beat content at all? The answer is $$ Money, Skill, and other playable content in the game (Arena, Event Quests, selling items, etc.). I don’t think it’s asking a lot to be able to have at least 1 decent champion to tackle the content in front of a player. I also feel as if the game shouldn’t discriminate against players only interested in completing certain content in the game. If I only want to enjoy the storyline, please don’t force me to play all the other stuff to be successful in Storyline.

In conclusion, I suggest the game developer release a 1-time Supplementary Gold In-Game Rewards like they did with the Act 4 rewards. Any player who has already completed said content will receive the in-game reward compensation. All remaining player who have yet to accomplish said content would receive the new (reasonable) value of rewards upon completion. Act 3 100% Exploration Rewards should apply an additional 225-250k Gold Reward. Act 4 100% Exploration Rewards should apply an additional 425-450k Gold Reward. Act 5.1 100% Exploration Rewards should apply an additional 650k Gold Reward. Act 5.2 100% Exploration Rewards should apply an additional 725k Gold Reward. Act 5.3 100% Exploration Rewards should apply an additional 800k Gold Reward. It is unfair and unreasonable to expect players to beat content with rewards that can’t even reward the player with a minimum ranked champion necessary to complete the content with.


  • CAM_1990CAM_1990 Member Posts: 10
    MM1113 wrote: »
    Go grind arena a while or sell off some of the ISO you're holding. You'll get plenty of gold. Crybaby.

    Considering I'm in a Top 150 AQ Alliance (S17A2 Tagas Chapter, look it up) with plenty of Gold and have a prestige of over 5300, your comment is ignorant, and missed the whole point.

    This is 1 of many examples in game where the developers have, probably unintentionally, made a grave imbalance. The fact that Act 5.3 cumulative gold rewards couldn't even get a 3-star rank 1, level 1 champ to rank 4, level 40 is just sad. Please think before responding next time mate.
  • Captain_MaimCaptain_Maim Member Posts: 398
    Most players, including myself, have all too much gold... Usually it's just beginners that have a lack of gold... I guess I would suspect you've ranked up champions that have no use in the game, or you've gotten extremely lucky with your pulls and have so many champions worth ranking you can't keep up... Either way, this doesn't seem like a developer flaw... I do understand what you're saying and if story mode was the only way to get gold I would agree. But it isn't... So I don't.... Maybe I'll change my mind.... And to be honest it wouldn't hurt to give more gold, what's another 650k gold when you have millions you can't spend?
  • Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
    CAM_1990 wrote: »

    What you ask is just plain stupid? You use those resources to rank a %* as you say. You can then use that character for every going forward, not just for 5.3

    But you expect the rewards in 5.3 to pay in full for you to rank that character up. LET THAT SINK IN FOR A SECOND

  • CAM_1990CAM_1990 Member Posts: 10
    CAM_1990 wrote: »

    What you ask is just plain stupid? You use those resources to rank a %* as you say. You can then use that character for every going forward, not just for 5.3

    But you expect the rewards in 5.3 to pay in full for you to rank that character up. LET THAT SINK IN FOR A SECOND

    You made.... 0 sense. Congratulations. You've set a spectacular example of why some things in life just don't make sense.
  • KML15KML15 Member Posts: 139
    the gold rewards in all of ACT V are stupid low. Kabam has been hearing the cries for gold so they supplemented a two day gold realm. While in the meantime putting out offers with gold included. They see what players need so they are cashing in on it. Gold rewards for Act V should be just as much as it is in ACT IV.
  • GrimmbearGrimmbear Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    Well you got gold now, go nuts
  • Bmf420Bmf420 Member Posts: 161
    Careful with that gold...... kabam says itain't yours lol.
  • Dave_the_destroyerDave_the_destroyer Member Posts: 981 ★★
    CAM_1990 wrote: »
    CAM_1990 wrote: »

    What you ask is just plain stupid? You use those resources to rank a %* as you say. You can then use that character for every going forward, not just for 5.3

    But you expect the rewards in 5.3 to pay in full for you to rank that character up. LET THAT SINK IN FOR A SECOND

    You made.... 0 sense. Congratulations. You've set a spectacular example of why some things in life just don't make sense.

    You are a complete idiot on this! You want ONE piece or in-game play to pay for you to rank a character up that you can use for all-game content!! Go back to School fool
  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,688 ★★★★
    I got a few billion gold I can loan u - low low interest!
  • CAM_1990CAM_1990 Member Posts: 10

    You are a complete idiot on this! You want ONE piece or in-game play to pay for you to rank a character up that you can use for all-game content!! Go back to School fool[/quote]

    HaHa, you don't understand much, lol. Ignorance must be bliss.
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