TGC: Alliance recruitment 2 players; AQ: Map 5, AW: Silver 1

We are a well established alliance looking for two active players. Currently running 3 bgs, Map 5, 100% and Silver 1 in war. We focus more on AQ but require participation in both. Most of our alliance has been with us since 2015. We are fun and social and play hard!

I have been with the alliance for almost a year now and it's a great group of people. I would not play MCOC if it is not for this group.
AQ: Map 5x5x5, three groups, 210M+ is our weekly AQ score

Weekly donations: none

Line is only mandatory on AQ/AW days for communication.

Contact in Line: danny790 (in game Danny~790) or DaBills

Youtube (semi^2 serious):


  • Danny790Danny790 Member Posts: 27
    Recruitment closed for now. Thank you folks :smile:
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