Thoughts on new AW nodes?

RoronoaZoro_96RoronoaZoro_96 Member Posts: 13
With season 19 around the corner, the release of these new nodes have most of the community with strong opinions. Personally, I run path 5 in tier 3 and mixing the node with pain defenders has made this war unenjoyable. I really hope kabam strongly considers looking into making AW fun and competitive instead of making it hell for attackers.

Thoughts on new AW nodes? 215 votes

Hate them
LogarooKpatrixTillinatorSlowDigzBendyBitterSteelTimone147AakashRaganatorGoken2345the_eradicatorLosspikINTEGRALYagami9999Tristan2301Memnoch72zuffybeaupoemManup456ccrider474 201 votes
Love them
WoodchuckTatteredSailDeadpool87Doctor_Strange19 4 votes
I don’t run AW so it doesn’t affect me
ChadhoganFabiusBRjojodeth101ascendance-sixate-Lunchbox78CarossyRU11011TheInfintyUser_BanedPlsCarry0n 10 votes


  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,383 ★★★★
    I don’t run AW so it doesn’t affect me
    I’m just don’t run alliances any more honestly the game becomes a lot more fun to me at least without a alliance
  • Giodood_1Giodood_1 Member Posts: 394 ★★★
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    just got bopped with a 40k medium on the node with like heavy and medium charges
  • Lucifer1810Lucifer1810 Member Posts: 366 ★★★
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    The fact that nobody is voting on 'Love them' just emphasizes how garbage the new nodes are.
  • M1k0rinM1k0rin Member Posts: 605 ★★
    Hate them

  • ska3rnska3rn Member Posts: 51
    Hate them
    This new node design totally force me to into thinking of either quiting AW or the game entirely. If one alliance dont have a wide rage of champs to fight, then basically u die again and again, which ups end using loads of resources if you still wanna clear the boss. Worth it? Definitely NO!
  • GAMEOVERJamesGAMEOVERJames Member Posts: 905 ★★★
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    Example of a near impossible node/champ combo I mentioned earlier

    We placed Nova at this node. Then the opponent gave up exploration and called three players to clear this node....

    You guess what, Nova got 8 wins with 40% HP left!

    No way.....literally a bugged node😂😂😂
  • AztecAztec Member Posts: 293 ★★
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    Example of a near impossible node/champ combo I mentioned earlier

    We placed Nova at this node. Then the opponent gave up exploration and called three players to clear this node....

    You guess what, Nova got 8 wins with 40% HP left!

    No way.....literally a bugged node😂😂😂
    and kabam put this node on tier 5-6 AW. so much alliances with average player at there. previously aegis intercept only on expert map. Now this average player try really hard
  • Sensei_MaatSensei_Maat Member Posts: 396 ★★★
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    just saying... everyone should vote on this just so we can have the stats in one place just showing that no one likes the new war.
  • Tristan2301Tristan2301 Member Posts: 57
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  • Tristan2301Tristan2301 Member Posts: 57
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    2 hits good night! Mini boss
  • Tristan2301Tristan2301 Member Posts: 57
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    Lets just say we stop playing wars
  • Tristan2301Tristan2301 Member Posts: 57
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    Okay kabam did act6 a bit easier... then they had there revenge in war its like playing act6 in wars even worst i consider my self skilled but this is too much
  • UhtredUhtred Member Posts: 9
    Hate them
    I can literally picture Kabam developers sitting in a brain storm session and rolling on the floor with laughter as they came up with some of these node ideas and combinations. Dev 1 “How about Tunnel Vision and Aggressive Fury?” Dev 2 “Yeah, yeah and add Oscilllate!” ROFLMFAO!

    Kabam, prove to us that you listen to your customers. Fix AW now.
  • Destroy4589Destroy4589 Member Posts: 261 ★★★
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    Lol I am in tier 6 and I faced a Hyperion on the somewhat stun immune node with unstoppable every 10 secs. The only way for me to do damage in that fight is to a) bait a heavy b) intercept c) bait specials d)wait for stun immune timer to go off at which point it overlaps with unstoppable. But here is the gigantic whopper, the AI I got was chilling in block, threw two specials the entire fight and was gaining power the entire fight on top of going unstoppable every 10 secs. So I need a champ that a) power controls b) applies slow debuffs c)easy to intercept with and d) willing AI. How do such specific nodes promote counterplay?
  • UhtredUhtred Member Posts: 9
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    Kabam, remember that your players hold the power of the purse. I’m taking a hard pass on the July 4th offers this year.
  • CobraSCobraS Member Posts: 64
    Hate them
    Playing the new map and nodes. If this is called improvement then i hope they dont do anything about the alliance quest. This type of war is only an improvement for kabam to make sure players have to spent more items and so buy more credits to keep up.

    4* champs have the power of 5* champs in tier 5. This wont be a fun season if they start it this way.
  • CobraSCobraS Member Posts: 64
    edited June 2020
    Hate them
    The old was way better then this map in tier 5. Hope hey wont start season 19 with this set up then the war is ruined for me. The map itself looks fine the nodes however are crazy.
  • DJMNHDJMNH Member Posts: 723 ★★★
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    So many stupid nodes Falter node.. lane 9 Tile 35 (Unstoppable + almost Stun immune). This is getting pathetic...

    Guys quit war and revolt. If we all don't unite now.. these guys will keep making game for bug whales and keep ignoring us.
  • Deadpool87Deadpool87 Member Posts: 573 ★★★
    Love them
    I hate them so much that it made me click "Love them" in a blind fit of rage.
  • Tristan2301Tristan2301 Member Posts: 57
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    Time to rank up red hulk for mini boss shift hazard shift... its a self destruct for kabam... these are the times they lost money and gamer loyalty tonplay this game.... this game was awesome back then but now its a robbery game!
  • Stagedear85Stagedear85 Member Posts: 774 ★★★
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    Hate the new war, this is a total slap in the face by Kabam its like we complain about how bad defensive tactics is and the direction of war, and the war team says hold my beer i have something for ya and just drop this on us, like seriously were any testing involve because i find it hard to believe there was, seem like we are the testers, this new AW outlook will kill your units and items, i do understand kabam is trying to make money but this is the fastest way to lose money because this is robbery and i would advise everyone to not waste items on war when ever you're dead just leave it be who ever want rewards can do what they want but if you're a logical person you would understand that the items you will be using over 28 days is not worth the rewards, might as well use those units and try your luck with the cav crystal, or save for abyss or act 6.
  • Memnoch72Memnoch72 Member Posts: 12
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    We’re a semi-retired alliance in silver 1, tier 10 & we’ve got nodes for tiers 6-9, node 23 with IMIW has pretty much wiped out the entire bg. This is probably going to be our last war, we’ll just be doing AQ from here.
  • Asura88Asura88 Member Posts: 1
    Hate them
    Hi kabam, 3 years I always play mcoc.
    The latest aw nodes seems to kill my appetite.. Do you ever listening to your player thoughts? These new nodes are killing most aw players, we are considering not to play AW. Hope you will listen to your players.. Surprisingly, your new nodes seems to bring stress to players, its not fun any more..
  • VentokVentok Member Posts: 5
    Hate them
    Hi Community and Kabam,
    i don´t know if Kabam will read this, because when I look at the Alliance War Map they don´t read or they don´t care about there Community.
    The Nodes of the Map war Insane in an non-positive way.
    For Example my Alliance Play around Tier 4 and 5. So we have the Challanger Map. At Node 23 there was a Ironman Infinity War 6* undup.
    So I thougt I will fight him with my Captain Marvel (Movie) (she had full HP). The fight started, I got hitten by one middel Attack from the IM IW and was down.

    So comone Kabam are you don´t care on your community?
  • simolazsimolaz Member Posts: 418 ★★
    Hate them

    No further words needed.
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