Thing on Ebb and Flow knockdown with mighty charge

I'm geniuenly curious how one would take this fight and who they would use, I had to face a 27k pi thing on this node and it was impossible especially with NF. If I knocked him down in second phase he would trigger his protection. If I didn't I'm hitting at 200 per hit. So how exactly and more accurately who was intended to take this fight keep in mind, that when he charges his heavy, he has the ability to also activate his protection. So in that scenario what is a player meant to do??? Please assist. Also I do know how to manage his rock stacks, and I have Gwenpool for next time. However it seems like a stupid fight as you literally can't do damage or hit hard. Additionally if you don't bring a hard hitting champion you risk being kicked out of the fight when the timer expires. So what is a player meant to do. In this scenario it was 5* sig 150 thing I believe and I had an NF sig 3 5* r4.