Just got mine. Went with skill because there were three skill champs I wanted from it: Ægon, SMSS and Fury. Fury was my top choice since I do not have him as a 6* and have a skill AG. Ægon and SMSS were my consolation choices since I could awaken them and save my AG. Choices ended up being: OG Black Panther, Taskmaster, Kingpin, Karnak, Daredevil, Squirrel Girl, Black Panther (Civil War), Killmonger, Moon Knight, and Agent Venom. An 84% chance for just one of the three champs I was going for to show up. In a game where a 7% chance for mesmerize to stun you may as well be 100% I figured 84% was close to a guarantee that one of the three would be in there. I was wrong.
surfer, drax, cmm , corvus, proxima, groot, venom, aarkus, vtd, nova