LF 1 for an AQ focused alliance / No AW

Looking for 1 active summoner for Map 5 & 6 AQ (no AW) to replace an inactive member. We have 2 groups that do a day or two of Map 6 to boost rewards. Preferably in a North American time zone but the GMT time zone will work as well.
We score over 250 million in AQ (last week ranked 779). Alliance rating of over 28 million. We have a lot of heavy hitters. Alliance prestige is 9359 so I would like yours to be around that but at least 8.5k.
Line is required. Be a good person, communicate and have fun. If this sounds like you, reply to this message or add me on line.
Line ID: starkent23.
We score over 250 million in AQ (last week ranked 779). Alliance rating of over 28 million. We have a lot of heavy hitters. Alliance prestige is 9359 so I would like yours to be around that but at least 8.5k.
Line is required. Be a good person, communicate and have fun. If this sounds like you, reply to this message or add me on line.
Line ID: starkent23.