Purchased Crystal's Higher % for 4 and 5*
it is obvious that this game can be addictive and for those with addictive personality traits it could be frustrating. Like a casino you put in you $ and hope for the best but often you fail. You already put your $ in and can not walk Way a failure so you put more in...what I am trying to say is there is a way for Kabam to still make $ and help those with these addictive traits not spend 200$ in a month on this game like I noticed I have done. $5 a day on select crystals and always getting a 3* so basically tossed away my $. 3 and even 4* are useless at this part of the game. If buyers pur have crystals and do not get the top prize the next purchase should increase by 10-20%. Karam still sells and the buyer can guarantee a top prize if the eventually spend 30$. An honestly a digital buy for 30$ and not even a guarantee on the character you want is still a win for Kabam. Either that or no more crystals. Just straight out buy a hero for $10 to 30 depending on 3-5*