You don’t need to finish all of them in one day....
For me, I can finish all the difficulties of monthly quest in 4 weeks, and still have several days left for me to explore the story quest and variants~
Like everyone else said, spread it out. Don't be in such a rush for the rewards, I explored Uncollected mode in 10 days, Master mode in 10 days, and finished exploring Heroic today using only energy refills from the alliance event rewards, and there is still time to complete/explore the remaining difficulties.
I usually stockpile 10+ refills from ally 3-day quests and arena crystals and then blow through Uncollected. Any left, and I'll do some Master. Then I play the rest of the diffs without refills, so I can get started saving for next month. Usually finish all diffs with ~1 week to spare.
Hey just wondering if there is an easily while of completing event quests. without spending tons of energy refills
thank you in advance
The sigil reduces quite a bit, as well as alliance help(if your peeps scroll all the way down to help you). Other than that really there isn't much, you get a couple of small energy in solo alliance events and a full on 3 day event. They should give us more energy, I agree on that.
If you spend, worth look at which events ,(solo and alliance) give you energy and ensure you and your alliance hit those milestones.
If you spend there is usually an offer for 10 energy for about $4.99/£4.99. These can help top you up.
For me, I can finish all the difficulties of monthly quest in 4 weeks, and still have several days left for me to explore the story quest and variants~
No need to rush