Epic Level Island of Doctor MODOK

So the event come to an end soon. Some use 6*r3 and complained it is too harsh but some using 4* one shot for practice. On AVERAGE how many revive(s) per run you have used for Epic run?
Epic Level Island of Doctor MODOK 257 votes
While it wasn't that difficult for me, I understand the complaints from the community if they didn't have the right champs to counter.
Also I had corvus for tech path if that's important
Can understand that difficulty increases if one doesn't have good boss node counters and keep rolling the same problematic boss buff. Remember I skipped the last iteration of this event as the difficulty was too difficult for me then, so I'm glad I've progressed and improved enough to finish this even (even if it's scaled down from before).
Corvus vs tech path or warlock/ghost/guilly 2099 vs mutant path has been and easy go really.