Quake, Hyperion, Domino, Ægon, and Sentinel, but the last three get switched out for specific counters if needed
So if you wanted to get more out of Quake and Sentinel, you could pair Mr. Fantastic with She Hulk or Doc Ock to get the 3 stacks of 60% Direct Damage Power Sting.
You could also use the Debuff Siphoner Cross Fight Ability to increase debuff potency (22%) for Domino, Quake and Sentinel.
He needs to be awakened and high sig as well.Plus his damage ramp up takes alot of time.Using him as a synergy champion or in longer fights is different I don't know if he will be usefull.Better get him awakened and high sig.But he is still a very good synergy champion.
You could also use the Debuff Siphoner Cross Fight Ability to increase debuff potency (22%) for Domino, Quake and Sentinel.