About the "tune down"(NERF) on Champion dev diary

It's crazy how there is a lot of folks defending and suggesting nerfs. It's a total irresponsibility by the developers to sell a car(champion works here as well), and months later says it should work less powerful.
You guys have to do the proper tests before you release these champs, you guys have any idea how much people invest, time, or money to make that champion the top 1st in their roster? You clearly don't...
I saw a video of a 3 star Guardian doing crazy damage, are you guys gonna nerf him as well? That is the fun of the game man, you better not nerf the great champions in this game or you will lose much more people.
Yeah, release more well balanced champs like Ronin and see if the whales, the small spenders and the f2p grinders that plays your game everyday will still stick around... Kabam can't give us only good news, it's incredible!
You guys have to do the proper tests before you release these champs, you guys have any idea how much people invest, time, or money to make that champion the top 1st in their roster? You clearly don't...
I saw a video of a 3 star Guardian doing crazy damage, are you guys gonna nerf him as well? That is the fun of the game man, you better not nerf the great champions in this game or you will lose much more people.
Yeah, release more well balanced champs like Ronin and see if the whales, the small spenders and the f2p grinders that plays your game everyday will still stick around... Kabam can't give us only good news, it's incredible!
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