First 5/65

TP33TP33 Member Posts: 1,737 ★★★★★
I’m nearly at my first 5/65 just need to know who I’m going to take up. I’ve debated it a lot with myself but they all seem equally worthy. Any thoughts from the community? I’m leaning away from stealthy bc it needs 3 T5B and I’d like to have as much T5B as possible to R5 more champions

First 5/65 21 votes

Havok (unduped, have 5* Cap for synergy
AA sig 55
DL864Midnite93Username19273 3 votes
Elsa Bloodstone (unduped)
Ægon sig 65 ish
nameplasSociopathJedi_HawkeThatOneMasterGamerDr_Z01dbergEinfachSoTotalMonster109dicdatorYENANSASHESStellanElsaMLPPybruhAgent_22 13 votes
Silver Surfer sig 34
Doctor_Strange19 1 vote
6* stealth spidey
benshbKill_GreyDarkEternityLivingLegendx 4 votes


  • GiulioV99GiulioV99 Member Posts: 98
    it depends on the content you need to clear now, i'd say AA if you need someone for story/eq, Aegon if you're going for labirinth etc
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