Tier 3 Class Catalysts Need to be More Abundant
Tier 3 class catalysts are so hard to get. In the glory store you can get tier 4 cc crystals for a pretty decent price but for tier 3 cc you have to wait for the right one to come along and it costs 200 glory(almost as much as a tier 4 cc crystal)and you can only pick up one. The daily quest is okay for picking up tier 1 and 2 cc but its pointless for tier 3 and up and it costs a ridiculous amount of energy to do it. There are no tier 3 class catalysts in story quests or event quests. Even in the black ISO market you can only pick up 2 tier 3 cc at a time and you have to give up 2 tier 3 basics when they are hard enough to get on their own(you need 8 tier 3 basics to rank up a 4 star and you can usually only pick up 2 per day and then you need extra to get more tier 3 cc's). There are just no good ways to get tier 3 class catalysts and they seem harder to get than tier 4 catalysts. I have to wait for like a week to get the tier 3 cc's that I need and then I have to get more later on. It is like Kabam has forgotten that they are even a thing. They are such an important resource in the game please make them easier to get.