Tier 3 Class Catalysts Need to be More Abundant

Wolf9300Wolf9300 Member Posts: 20
edited July 2020 in Suggestions and Requests
Tier 3 class catalysts are so hard to get. In the glory store you can get tier 4 cc crystals for a pretty decent price but for tier 3 cc you have to wait for the right one to come along and it costs 200 glory(almost as much as a tier 4 cc crystal)and you can only pick up one. The daily quest is okay for picking up tier 1 and 2 cc but its pointless for tier 3 and up and it costs a ridiculous amount of energy to do it. There are no tier 3 class catalysts in story quests or event quests. Even in the black ISO market you can only pick up 2 tier 3 cc at a time and you have to give up 2 tier 3 basics when they are hard enough to get on their own(you need 8 tier 3 basics to rank up a 4 star and you can usually only pick up 2 per day and then you need extra to get more tier 3 cc's). There are just no good ways to get tier 3 class catalysts and they seem harder to get than tier 4 catalysts. I have to wait for like a week to get the tier 3 cc's that I need and then I have to get more later on. It is like Kabam has forgotten that they are even a thing. They are such an important resource in the game please make them easier to get.


  • Maddestmax82Maddestmax82 Member Posts: 24
    All the catalysts need to be more abundant, I have nearly 200 heroes and only because I sell a heap, and they all need ranking up, it's impossible to be involved in every advancement quest, and.doing those daily missions everyday 7 times is a bit ridiculous for 3 basic catalysts of T2 and T3 and maybe one t4 a week.
  • Wolf9300Wolf9300 Member Posts: 20
    Tier 3 cc's especially need to be more abundant but I totally agree with you. It is very tedious and it requires way too much energy or units for energy refills as well. It's not even worth it to grind that hard because you typically don't get what you need anyways even with all the grinding(you could grind the daily quest over and over again and still not get a full basic or class catalyst).
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