6 star sorcerer supreme

Giodood_1Giodood_1 Member Posts: 395 ★★★

so i got VERY lucky in my featured six star crystal and managed to pull her. i can take her straight to r2 but what’s her ideal rotation. anyone know because she seems very fun to play


  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Giodood_1 said:

    so i got VERY lucky in my featured six star crystal and managed to pull her. i can take her straight to r2 but what’s her ideal rotation. anyone know because she seems very fun to play

    Just depends what you need to do really. Her regen on block can be ridiculous when spamming sp1 after banking it with sp3 and paired with MD. Can end most fights sitting at a full yellow bar. She's far from a burst damage dealer but with some armor breaks her sp2 is still really solid.
  • King_Leo321King_Leo321 Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★
    Longstory short she shines in Act 6,Abyss and AW.Her baisc rotation is her sp3 provides a permanent runic spell depending on which blessing you are currently at.

    She works against champion that do not have buff.But wherever opponents have buffs she is destroyer.Even without buffs fight she still is beast.
    This is a Sorcerer Supreme guide.
    No 1 Champion counter as well in my opinion.
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