Iron Man (Infinity War)-God Tier?

TheRoyal9TheRoyal9 Member Posts: 267
I have him as a 6 star and wonder if he is God Tier. I wonder if he also should be taken to R4.

Iron Man (Infinity War)-God Tier? 45 votes

Yes, of course
jdrum663KennadopapunonlyAleorHedgedog387Scrubkiller_1Hector_1475Blackshadow0203ddomUmbertoDelRioPřìņče01MagnusRFightKing_Leo321Doctor_Strange19AbdulkhadeerGr8TonyStarkHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHNaidrauGXXXLacerosRequiem11 22 votes
Timone147Kamikaze_TurtleCliffordcanWarBros23HendrossDiksh619CiciliatoNotsavage19Rockypantherx-sixate-BonzodavidMasterpuffTheInfintylowlevelplayer4dlaiSuperiorSymbioteAouxWouxRice26GuruYosenTartarus88 20 votes
No idea
QfuryVedant_MehtaJaws4444 3 votes


  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
    I would say occasionally useful he can do stuff but he’s not the best he can be very stressful to play
  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,918 ★★★★★
    What’s your definition of god tier?
    IMIW is still a pretty good AW defender. He is worth ranking up.
    You are talking about 6*, thus rank up consideration should include what roster you have, which contents you need to explore, etc.
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    do u mean r3? there is no r4 6 star. I would say no. He's a 2018 champ. Not much use in the current meta
  • TheRoyal9TheRoyal9 Member Posts: 267

    do u mean r3? there is no r4 6 star. I would say no. He's a 2018 champ. Not much use in the current meta

    guess i typed wrongly
  • DjinDjin Member Posts: 1,962 ★★★★★
    edited July 2020
    He's not a god tier, but a demi god tier IMO.
    I use him against Mix-Master node and Mordo as his repulsor attacks can't be evaded.
  • AouxWouxAouxWoux Member Posts: 426 ★★★
    Only for aw defense.
  • TheRoyal9TheRoyal9 Member Posts: 267
    Ok thks
  • TheRoyal9TheRoyal9 Member Posts: 267
    I Guess I will save those iso and gold for another tech champ
  • GuruYosenGuruYosen Member Posts: 87
    His DPS is too low, and his autoblock is easy to be countered by true strike
  • LunaeLunae Member Posts: 371 ★★★
    If your tier list includes beyond god tier I’d say yea he’s god tier.

    He’s bleed and coldsnap immune, he’s anti evade, has unblockable specials, non physical energy hits, on top of working with despair he has heal blocks, armor breaks, powercontrol that once fully built up works pretty well for his kit, he’s tanky, great block, high crit rate, amazing sig ability along with powergain, great and reliable damage with Stealth Spidey synergy and not very difficult to play so he’s pretty accessible.

    I just wish he could refresh buff through blocked hits and was included in Cap IWs tech synergy, really needs to be updated. I’m not of fan of his slow movements, but it’s nothing too hard to overcome. Can’t say I’d recommend ranking him unless you really loved playing him, but he has his uses, more so then can be said for others outside the obvious op tech champs.
  • King_Leo321King_Leo321 Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★
    edited July 2020
    Yes, of course
    Let's see he can do ABYSS,Labrynth,Act 6 and Variant 3 as well so with Stealthy synergy he is God tier.
  • TheRoyal9TheRoyal9 Member Posts: 267
    ok thks u guys
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    IMIW is an amazing champ. He's a bit of a swiss army knife. He does a lot of things very well, but in just about every individual category, you'll find champs who will outperform him.

    He has very high block proficiency, but he gets overshadowed by Cap IW, who can achieve 0 damage parries consistently and was released the same month.

    He has situational bleed and coldsnap immunity, but any naturally immune champ will outshine him here.

    His repulsors can't be evaded, which make him great for evasion champs. While Corvus, Killmonger, and Fury can do this better, he does have the "secret" ability of even being able to bypass the Labyrinth evade mechanic, something the others can't do.

    His repulsors don't make contact, so he's viable for reflected damage like Korg, Electro, or Psychic Thorns.

    He has access to armor break.

    He has access to a situational heal block so long as the enemy has a regeneration buff.

    He can access to shock and incinerate which gives him access to damage over time and even gives him some mild power control, which is great for preventing enemies from getting to an L3.

    His L1 is unblockable, which gives him easy openings for attack. He was my go-to for that Kang boss in Variant where you needed to keep shock applied.

    His autoblock and really save you if the fight takes a turn for the worse.

    And his best feature is the plasma he can apply. This is a great combination of damage and utility. It's a passive ability, so it can be applied to debuff immune targets or champs who shrug abilities. It can be easily refreshed and attacking champs with MLLLL combos means you will never push them to an L3. Plus it can stack. It takes a while to ramp up, but he can get VERY big damage going via plasma. Plus plasma can be easier to maintain via a synergy with Stealth Spidey, who himself is a very good champ.

    His big downside here is that he appears to be bugged. He's not gaining power as quickly as every other champ, which means getting access to his best abilities takes longer than it should:

    Again, you can take any of these individual abilities and probably find 2-3 champs who can do it better. What IMIW offers is a champ to can take on a wide variety of content by himself. I used him quite a bit in Act 6, I've used him in T3 wars on attack, and he's been useful in most Variant content. I think he's great. I just hope they fix him to make him even better.
  • TheRoyal9TheRoyal9 Member Posts: 267
    Ok this for input
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