Thor Ragnarok 6 star-Worth R3?

I hav him now as a 6 star and am considering to rank this lad to r3 as my iso are expiring and I hav no other six star to take up to r3 currently. And maybe also cuz of prestige
Thor Ragnarok 6 star-Worth R3? 15 votes
I'd say if you ever get to the point where you have enough to spare a "fun" rank up, go for it.
Then again if you really enjoy a champ that's probably a bigger reason to rank that one up rather than the champ being "BeYoNd GoD tIEr"
Unless you are going massively hard on prestige and sig 200 him than maybe worth an r3
Their gotta be other champ to level up since u have the resources to r3 him