Is black widow (Deadly Origin) worthy to have 6R2?

GAMEOVERJamesGAMEOVERJames Member Posts: 907 ★★★
edited July 2020 in Strategy and Tips
Got this new version Black widow (6*) from July 4 deal~ She looks cool

But the comments about this new character on YouTube is pretty diverse, so I want to take more options from you guys before putting resources on her~~



  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    she's fun, and her damage isn't that bad. If you like her, sure
  • Artoria77Artoria77 Member Posts: 2,550 ★★★★★
    I think some YouTube's really undermine her but I cant say for sure since I dont have her.

    But looking at videos of gameplay of her I say she is R2 worthy
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    if you wanna r2 her, then do it. It’s your game, play it how you want.
  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
    I have my 5* at 5/65 and have no regrets. There aren't all that many shock immune champs, so she has a reliable DoT ability that really stacks in there. You may not get the big yellow numbers, but you will see opponents melt pretty fast. She's also just fun to play, more so than most of the 2020 champs, IMHO. If you enjoy her playstyle, she's definitely a solid R2 option.
  • Shamir51Shamir51 Member Posts: 1,165 ★★★★
    I got lucky with the featured cav crystal when she was released and got the 6* version also. As others have said, she’s really fun to use and her shocks can be really potent- even stacking 5 or 6 shocks sees your opponents health start melting.

    I will rank 2 mine once I’ve taken BWCV and Thing to rank 2 first.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    I would think she would be great in Incursions. Plenty of hacks that will boost her damage a lot.
  • AmbjonyAmbjony Member Posts: 214 ★★

    I have my 5* at 5/65 and have no regrets. There aren't all that many shock immune champs, so she has a reliable DoT ability that really stacks in there. You may not get the big yellow numbers, but you will see opponents melt pretty fast. She's also just fun to play, more so than most of the 2020 champs, IMHO. If you enjoy her playstyle, she's definitely a solid R2 option.

    Does she need to be awaken?
    What’s her best rotation?

    I just got a 5* and being on suicides I don’t know if I should rank her up
  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
    I don't usually run suicides, and I don't think she'd be particularly suicide friendly. I tend to focus a lot on getting intercepts and punishing heavies and specials to keep Widow's Insight up as much as possible (parries won't help with that) and then spam SP2s for the most part. In most fights, that will take care of your opponents fairly well (and not relying on parries helps her sustainability against higher attack values). If they can be shocked, she is a great solution in many, many cases. Her sig ability is definitely a "nice to have" but I would not say it's necessary to get most of her usefulnes, since her sig is all about her Sabotage debuffs, which are nice but not the main source of damage.
  • striker_overlord22striker_overlord22 Member Posts: 21
    6* Rank up mats are scarce - and there more rank worthy than her
    KT1 has good insight ->
  • GAMEOVERJamesGAMEOVERJames Member Posts: 907 ★★★

    I have my 5* at 5/65 and have no regrets. There aren't all that many shock immune champs, so she has a reliable DoT ability that really stacks in there. You may not get the big yellow numbers, but you will see opponents melt pretty fast. She's also just fun to play, more so than most of the 2020 champs, IMHO. If you enjoy her playstyle, she's definitely a solid R2 option.

    Thanks for your comments. I decided to have her R2 eventually. Her animation and fighting style are my favorite~

    But there is one issue that I feel a bit “unfortunate”: since she heavily relies on shock damage and Thing is shock-immune, she cannot be a good Thing-counter as what top Skill champions usually do (i.e. Blade, Nick Fury, Stealth Spidey). I need to turn back and pick another champion to take care of Thing, even Black widow has class advantage and defensive ability accuracy reduction....
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