Looking forward to next rank up!

neglass7neglass7 Member Posts: 217
edited July 2020 in Strategy and Tips
Over the last month or so I’ve gotten some new champs and resources, almost ready for my next R5. I am Cav, but barely.

Roster posted below, but I have some AGs I can use on any of these if necessary. My focus next will be on V1-3 and Act 6 if that helps!

R4s and above..

R3s and below..

Current thoughts..
Option 1) Domino to R5 (then Rulk to R4)
Option 2) Emma to R2
Option 3) G99, Blade, Havok, Venom, She Hulk, Hulkbuster, Cull, Medusa, or Thing
Any help/input is appreciated!


  • neglass7neglass7 Member Posts: 217
    edited July 2020
    I was insanely lucky with that 6* Doom pull, but I’m wondering if Emma is worth a rank up as well. Having Domino at R5 and Rulk at R4 (no Masacre unfortunately) is hard to pass up though. Any other contenders?
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    I think domino + rhulk is your best bet
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