A suggestion about LOL and some good stuff

First of all awesome job game team really been playing this game for so long and this is the best game update i have ever seen
Fantastic and superbly done the main screen of game enterance plus seprat everything and also small details of work that should be done by in past but its never to late. This is the best update of game till now
Now come to the main point realm of legends has only one path and that was great back then
Lol has 7 paths with each path having minimum 10 to max 19 fights and the rewards are not that great for current time except that ultron only plus every fight is long and also very focusing demand so suggestion is dont ramp rewards and anything like that but just reduce the paths to 3/4 so its like
Realm 1
Lol 3
Abyss 5
Something like that
Because its a huge time consuming thing and also for current state of game it not match the rewards need to fight that hard and for that long so its a humble request reduce it to 3/4 paths only thanks and all the best for future it looks great in dev diary specially the striker one it reminds me of king of fighters 99 still love that game
Fantastic and superbly done the main screen of game enterance plus seprat everything and also small details of work that should be done by in past but its never to late. This is the best update of game till now
Now come to the main point realm of legends has only one path and that was great back then
Lol has 7 paths with each path having minimum 10 to max 19 fights and the rewards are not that great for current time except that ultron only plus every fight is long and also very focusing demand so suggestion is dont ramp rewards and anything like that but just reduce the paths to 3/4 so its like
Realm 1
Lol 3
Abyss 5
Something like that
Because its a huge time consuming thing and also for current state of game it not match the rewards need to fight that hard and for that long so its a humble request reduce it to 3/4 paths only thanks and all the best for future it looks great in dev diary specially the striker one it reminds me of king of fighters 99 still love that game
There are tons of players that have spent hours, units, and money to fully explore LoL and AOL. I’ve only done one path of Lol and I’m not sure how many I have left but what I do know is that it wouldn’t be fair to reduce the number of paths down just because you think it’s time consuming. If they did reduce the paths I’m pretty sure people would be upset because that’s resources and money lost. I’m positive that everyone knows it’s not something that’s not gonna take 10 minutes to do. It’s permanent content and it’s not going away