Comic-Con 6 * giveaway

As far as I know every time you guys go to Comic-Con there is always a six-star available as a free giveaway to anyone that goes to the Comic-Con and visits the Kabam table or booth, also you can spend this special wheel, Now I think that we should have something like that even though the pandemic either a wheel or some other way that people can get rewards for Comic-Con type events.
Also I think you should do a sort of live stream or something at Kabam headquarters and just show off what you guys are doing and what you guys are hoping for the future.
I know you guys sort of did that for all the developer updates and things that we suggest to you but I still think it would be fun, and right now everyone needs a little fun in their life!!!
@Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Miike
Also I think you should do a sort of live stream or something at Kabam headquarters and just show off what you guys are doing and what you guys are hoping for the future.
I know you guys sort of did that for all the developer updates and things that we suggest to you but I still think it would be fun, and right now everyone needs a little fun in their life!!!
@Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Miike