She's really fun with a crit synergy team, but from my experience she's pretty dope without any synergies.
I have her as a 5/65 and yes her damage is fairly inconsistent. However, there is the option of simply cycling her sp3 for more consistent albeit lower upper end damage.
In essentially ideal situations my 5/65 can do about 130k on her sp3 with both tempests active and somewhere aroumd 170k on her sp2 with all crits. That is without boosts or suicides.
And what you must not forget is her utility. First of all she comes with up to 2 immunities, frostbite/coldsnap and shock, and while the latter can be bypassed by increased shock damage nodes those are fairly rare. Second of all even without all crits her sp2 will not generate power if done right.
So her sp2 isn't just a gamble for big damage, it's actually just the safer option to take in certain situations with an additional chance for extra juicy damage.
At least that's the way I view her.
Thanks! She’s fun to play. Definitely a lightweight as far as health is concerned. But I feel like she’s a bit underrated by people. Eventually I’ll take her to r2 but right now she’s behind Domino, Sunspot, and Emma for mutants.
But I’d suggest you get comfortable with her at R1 before considering investing the resources.