I wonder...

Blizzard28Blizzard28 Member Posts: 90
edited July 2020 in General Discussion
Why are there no units in uncollected difficulty rewards of EQ???
I mean there are units in master difficulty and units requirement only increases as we progress in the game... So if there are units rewards in uncollected or cavalier difficulty, then it'll definitely help endgame players(especially free to play)..

I wonder... 26 votes

CrkwestNemesioAnonymous346NojokejaymKade7175lIPowerIlAleorRodomontade_BoiCtfz35XdSpoodermanxDDnegrin6969Bawa69FlashSpideyJohnyBoyH_I_ZBlizzard28MathgeekLil_LasagnaMrGreekLivingLegendx 22 votes
GamerJollyHawkVbnmeAomine_Daiki10 4 votes


  • Blizzard28Blizzard28 Member Posts: 90
    Raganator said:

    I've never quite understood why Kabam feels the 165 units they offer for the other difficulties was not included. I know they have mentioned that they believe the other rewards make up for it, but come on, 165 units is not game changing. It's just a nice bonus.

    If someone is playing sensibly then he'll spend units on either revives, potions, masteries or refills... None of this is there in the rewards
  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★
    There never has been why? I have no idea but when Cav difficulty gets implemented I hope that they will add units to UC and Cav difficulties.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,845 ★★★★★
    When UC was released, this was a common question. I believe it was Miike who said it but UC doesn't have units because at the time it was offering much rarer rewards than the other 4 difficulties. This is where we first saw T5B become more common and 6* Shards. So to offset the much better rewards for UC, they excluded units. I highly doubt that Cav will give units either.
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