BIG shortage of GOLD



  • Izze_KingIzze_King Member Posts: 346 ★★
    Addyos said:

    Addyos said:

    Kabam will have to fix the gold issue one way or the other. I just suggest that they fix it now to avoid all the screaming they will have on forums when r3 6 stars become a regular occurrence and the biggest of whales won't be able to keep up.

    What does Kabam need to fix exactly? If you choose to do Map 7 or rank a bunch of 5*s and 6*s indiscriminately (or both), and are not utilising the myriad of avenues to obtain gold explained in great detail on this very same thread, then that’s on you. Not Kabam.
    You have 0 clue what you're talking about. Have you 100% act 6? Done initial clear of Abyss? Do you know how many t5bs and and t2 alphas I have expiring forcing me to rankup? Of course you don't. I'm talking end game grown folks talk. This doesn't concern you.
    Have I 100% act 6? Not yet. Done initial clear of Abyss? No. Do I know how many t5bs and and t2 alphas you have expiring forcing you to rankup? No, but I have over 24 million gold and tons of gold crystals, so when I do get to the stage you’re at, I’ll not be wanting for gold since I regularly hit arenas, do incursions ever so often, run quests everyday, sell excess iso when needed and the list goes on and on and on...

    Will using these resources eat into my gold supply when I get to that stage in the game? Sure. Will using these resources cause a gold problem for me. Nope, because I’ve done the groundwork to never be short on gold for a long time. So again, what’s the gold issue that Kabam needs to fix? Or is it an issue you need to fix for yourself, when the solutions are already there?

    I’m in the same boat. I will never have a shortage on resources as long as I play this game. I had 33M when V4 came out and since then I have r5ed 10 5*, r4ed 11 5*, lvl25 15 6* and I’m still at 28M. It takes disciplined resource management. I’d rather see class iso farming options tbh. Maybe then I’ll have a gold problem.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    Izze_King said:

    Addyos said:

    Addyos said:

    Kabam will have to fix the gold issue one way or the other. I just suggest that they fix it now to avoid all the screaming they will have on forums when r3 6 stars become a regular occurrence and the biggest of whales won't be able to keep up.

    What does Kabam need to fix exactly? If you choose to do Map 7 or rank a bunch of 5*s and 6*s indiscriminately (or both), and are not utilising the myriad of avenues to obtain gold explained in great detail on this very same thread, then that’s on you. Not Kabam.
    You have 0 clue what you're talking about. Have you 100% act 6? Done initial clear of Abyss? Do you know how many t5bs and and t2 alphas I have expiring forcing me to rankup? Of course you don't. I'm talking end game grown folks talk. This doesn't concern you.
    Have I 100% act 6? Not yet. Done initial clear of Abyss? No. Do I know how many t5bs and and t2 alphas you have expiring forcing you to rankup? No, but I have over 24 million gold and tons of gold crystals, so when I do get to the stage you’re at, I’ll not be wanting for gold since I regularly hit arenas, do incursions ever so often, run quests everyday, sell excess iso when needed and the list goes on and on and on...

    Will using these resources eat into my gold supply when I get to that stage in the game? Sure. Will using these resources cause a gold problem for me. Nope, because I’ve done the groundwork to never be short on gold for a long time. So again, what’s the gold issue that Kabam needs to fix? Or is it an issue you need to fix for yourself, when the solutions are already there?

    I’m in the same boat. I will never have a shortage on resources as long as I play this game. I had 33M when V4 came out and since then I have r5ed 10 5*, r4ed 11 5*, lvl25 15 6* and I’m still at 28M. It takes disciplined resource management. I’d rather see class iso farming options tbh. Maybe then I’ll have a gold problem.
    You're not in the same boat as me. I have over 30 r5 5 stars and I still haven't used any of the three r1 6 star gems that I have available right now from completing act 6. So a measly 10 r5 5 stars is not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about ranking up 6 stars. I no longer need to rank up 5 stars at all due to the size of my roster.

    28 million isn't that much gold either, I have guys in my alliances who double that amount so there is a vast difference.

  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    I don't have a gold problem per-say, I steamrolled the content, have a ton of champions i want to take up, rank up items (not catalysts) that I can't use, and champions on the deep bench that have not leveled up once yet. I'm not sloppy with the champions I rank up, everyone has a purpose. And so, from my needs, Gold is my bottleneck resource.

    And so just because you have 30 million gold now, doesn't mean you'll grow that amount later. At some point, you're going to get a couple good pulls. Each 5* costs 2.5-3.1 million gold to max out depending if you use class iso or not, especially the later you get in the game. Map 7 is expensive. And so unless you're buying a lot of cavalier crystals, duping all your 4/5*s almost every time, thus selling excess iso, then you'll have a gold problem at some point.
  • DaddriedaDaddrieda Member Posts: 1,669 ★★★★

    Daddrieda said:

    Addyos said:

    ItsDamien said:

    Daddrieda said:

    Daddrieda said:

    Since when do you have to open every crystals champions and rank up material crystals? Take it down a notch and farm golds first while growing those crystals and you have enough golds to rank someone to r4 or 5

    I'm talking about 6 star rank ups. You won't understand this position unless you're an end game player.
    You cannot or has the power to determine which one is an end game player and cannot tell other people “ you won’t understand this position” as it is not constructive as well harassing other player’s progression despite being an end game player(s). You cannot determine a player won’t understand the position you are in by the player(s) not doing enough 6* rank ups to be at your position. The reason player(s) choose to not be in your position is because they are aware the amounts of materials and gold consumption a 6* champion(s) need and choose to proceed the rank up with snail speed. Please understand that.
    Well you responded to me so just as you have a right to say what you want I have a right to respond. That is not harassment, you just might be a little hurt because I told you where you stood in this game. So your entire response is completely incorrect.

    You and others have zero foresight when it comes to this game and think arena solves everything and it doesn't. I can guarantee you I have more area fights than you so preaching about gold being unlimited doesn't work with me.
    It is an issue where rankups are simply too high. Unless you think I should hold my rank ups and let t2 alphas and t5 basics expire? So I'm not suggesting Kabam give us more gold or iso, what I am suggesting is that they cut the rankup costs in half. That solves the issue.
    You telling others what their position in the game is without knowing their position is the most smooth brained zero foresight argument in the history of this entire forum.

    You assuming that you have more arena fights than others, is zero foresight.

    You having some weird god complex that you're better than everyone else, is zero foresight. Your arguments that only 6* rank ups are worth it, is zero foresight.

    I thought you were a clown before, but I was wrong. You are the entire circus. I'm done with you, you're an actual joke.
    You all just aren't humble with your opinions and very off base.
    Bahahaha you’re the one who’s bragging about being an end-game player in a top 45 AQ alliance and belittling others for not being on your “level”. And you’re calling other people not humble?
    Unlike you, I didn’t make statements that were way off base about other people’s accounts. I knew you ran Maps 7x5 and called a spade a spade.

    More avenues to obtain gold in the game are always welcome, but you are choosing to spend more gold than what you are earning currently. And now you’re crying to Kabam to remedy the gold imbalances that is happening because of your choices. Your own choices.

    You need to dial things down a notch before saying others aren’t humble.
    What don't you understand about expiring t5 basics and t2 alphas? That is not me spending more gold than I'm earning, that is saying that if I don't spend a value in game resource disappears. Unless you're suggesting that I waste those resources than you haven't addressed my question. Get out of your feelings for two seconds and respond logically. All of the bahhahahah you're saying doesn't help resolve the issue.
    It is on you for opening those crystals and for buying this resources with glory when you could have saved and waited until the right time.
    I got those resources because I play map 7x5 full modifiers and completed act 6 and Abyss, its not about opening crystals what are you talking about? Instead of making excuses for me playing the game at a high level just admit that Kabam needs to increase the gold. You look worse with every comment and your logic doesn't add up.
    Then by logic of this you should have prepared way before initiating the run of act 6 and abyss and ensured you had enough golds to rank someone after achieving the rewards from act 6 and abyss.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    Daddrieda said:

    Daddrieda said:

    Addyos said:

    ItsDamien said:

    Daddrieda said:

    Daddrieda said:

    Since when do you have to open every crystals champions and rank up material crystals? Take it down a notch and farm golds first while growing those crystals and you have enough golds to rank someone to r4 or 5

    I'm talking about 6 star rank ups. You won't understand this position unless you're an end game player.
    You cannot or has the power to determine which one is an end game player and cannot tell other people “ you won’t understand this position” as it is not constructive as well harassing other player’s progression despite being an end game player(s). You cannot determine a player won’t understand the position you are in by the player(s) not doing enough 6* rank ups to be at your position. The reason player(s) choose to not be in your position is because they are aware the amounts of materials and gold consumption a 6* champion(s) need and choose to proceed the rank up with snail speed. Please understand that.
    Well you responded to me so just as you have a right to say what you want I have a right to respond. That is not harassment, you just might be a little hurt because I told you where you stood in this game. So your entire response is completely incorrect.

    You and others have zero foresight when it comes to this game and think arena solves everything and it doesn't. I can guarantee you I have more area fights than you so preaching about gold being unlimited doesn't work with me.
    It is an issue where rankups are simply too high. Unless you think I should hold my rank ups and let t2 alphas and t5 basics expire? So I'm not suggesting Kabam give us more gold or iso, what I am suggesting is that they cut the rankup costs in half. That solves the issue.
    You telling others what their position in the game is without knowing their position is the most smooth brained zero foresight argument in the history of this entire forum.

    You assuming that you have more arena fights than others, is zero foresight.

    You having some weird god complex that you're better than everyone else, is zero foresight. Your arguments that only 6* rank ups are worth it, is zero foresight.

    I thought you were a clown before, but I was wrong. You are the entire circus. I'm done with you, you're an actual joke.
    You all just aren't humble with your opinions and very off base.
    Bahahaha you’re the one who’s bragging about being an end-game player in a top 45 AQ alliance and belittling others for not being on your “level”. And you’re calling other people not humble?
    Unlike you, I didn’t make statements that were way off base about other people’s accounts. I knew you ran Maps 7x5 and called a spade a spade.

    More avenues to obtain gold in the game are always welcome, but you are choosing to spend more gold than what you are earning currently. And now you’re crying to Kabam to remedy the gold imbalances that is happening because of your choices. Your own choices.

    You need to dial things down a notch before saying others aren’t humble.
    What don't you understand about expiring t5 basics and t2 alphas? That is not me spending more gold than I'm earning, that is saying that if I don't spend a value in game resource disappears. Unless you're suggesting that I waste those resources than you haven't addressed my question. Get out of your feelings for two seconds and respond logically. All of the bahhahahah you're saying doesn't help resolve the issue.
    It is on you for opening those crystals and for buying this resources with glory when you could have saved and waited until the right time.
    I got those resources because I play map 7x5 full modifiers and completed act 6 and Abyss, its not about opening crystals what are you talking about? Instead of making excuses for me playing the game at a high level just admit that Kabam needs to increase the gold. You look worse with every comment and your logic doesn't add up.
    Then by logic of this you should have prepared way before initiating the run of act 6 and abyss and ensured you had enough golds to rank someone after achieving the rewards from act 6 and abyss.
    First of all that doesn't follow the same logic at all.
    Secondly I'm not out of gold. I'm saying that this needs to be changed now so we don't run into the issue in the future. Why can't you read? I stated this multiple times. I'm not out of gold. I have 6 million gold. That doesn't' mean there isn't a gold issue.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    ItsDamien said:

    Izze_King said:

    Addyos said:

    Addyos said:

    Kabam will have to fix the gold issue one way or the other. I just suggest that they fix it now to avoid all the screaming they will have on forums when r3 6 stars become a regular occurrence and the biggest of whales won't be able to keep up.

    What does Kabam need to fix exactly? If you choose to do Map 7 or rank a bunch of 5*s and 6*s indiscriminately (or both), and are not utilising the myriad of avenues to obtain gold explained in great detail on this very same thread, then that’s on you. Not Kabam.
    You have 0 clue what you're talking about. Have you 100% act 6? Done initial clear of Abyss? Do you know how many t5bs and and t2 alphas I have expiring forcing me to rankup? Of course you don't. I'm talking end game grown folks talk. This doesn't concern you.
    Have I 100% act 6? Not yet. Done initial clear of Abyss? No. Do I know how many t5bs and and t2 alphas you have expiring forcing you to rankup? No, but I have over 24 million gold and tons of gold crystals, so when I do get to the stage you’re at, I’ll not be wanting for gold since I regularly hit arenas, do incursions ever so often, run quests everyday, sell excess iso when needed and the list goes on and on and on...

    Will using these resources eat into my gold supply when I get to that stage in the game? Sure. Will using these resources cause a gold problem for me. Nope, because I’ve done the groundwork to never be short on gold for a long time. So again, what’s the gold issue that Kabam needs to fix? Or is it an issue you need to fix for yourself, when the solutions are already there?

    I’m in the same boat. I will never have a shortage on resources as long as I play this game. I had 33M when V4 came out and since then I have r5ed 10 5*, r4ed 11 5*, lvl25 15 6* and I’m still at 28M. It takes disciplined resource management. I’d rather see class iso farming options tbh. Maybe then I’ll have a gold problem.
    28 million isn't that much gold either, I have guys in my alliances who double that amount so there is a vast difference.

    So if you have guys in your alliance, who I'd have to assume are in the same position as you in terms of progression and champions needing to be ranked up etc. Then why do they have 56 million gold or more, yet you are struggling to have enough gold to do rank ups in the long term, that's causing you specifically to have materials in the stash.

    Seems like, once again, you have a resource management problem.

    You have no excuse if the people who are "at the same level" as you keep on exclaiming so proudly, have nearly 10 times the amount of gold as you do, doing the same content each week and month?

    This one sentence of "I have guys in my alliance with double that amount" almost completely invalidates your argument of a gold problem.

    The guys in my alliance with that much gold are whales. They sell numerous amounts of iso which is why they have so much gold . So once again you are completely wrong and off base. Do you know anything that a high level account requires? Probably not if you didn't understand that 56 million gold means you're a whale outside of spending your entire life in arena.

    So my argument still stands firm.
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★

    ItsDamien said:

    Izze_King said:

    Addyos said:

    Addyos said:

    Kabam will have to fix the gold issue one way or the other. I just suggest that they fix it now to avoid all the screaming they will have on forums when r3 6 stars become a regular occurrence and the biggest of whales won't be able to keep up.

    What does Kabam need to fix exactly? If you choose to do Map 7 or rank a bunch of 5*s and 6*s indiscriminately (or both), and are not utilising the myriad of avenues to obtain gold explained in great detail on this very same thread, then that’s on you. Not Kabam.
    You have 0 clue what you're talking about. Have you 100% act 6? Done initial clear of Abyss? Do you know how many t5bs and and t2 alphas I have expiring forcing me to rankup? Of course you don't. I'm talking end game grown folks talk. This doesn't concern you.
    Have I 100% act 6? Not yet. Done initial clear of Abyss? No. Do I know how many t5bs and and t2 alphas you have expiring forcing you to rankup? No, but I have over 24 million gold and tons of gold crystals, so when I do get to the stage you’re at, I’ll not be wanting for gold since I regularly hit arenas, do incursions ever so often, run quests everyday, sell excess iso when needed and the list goes on and on and on...

    Will using these resources eat into my gold supply when I get to that stage in the game? Sure. Will using these resources cause a gold problem for me. Nope, because I’ve done the groundwork to never be short on gold for a long time. So again, what’s the gold issue that Kabam needs to fix? Or is it an issue you need to fix for yourself, when the solutions are already there?

    I’m in the same boat. I will never have a shortage on resources as long as I play this game. I had 33M when V4 came out and since then I have r5ed 10 5*, r4ed 11 5*, lvl25 15 6* and I’m still at 28M. It takes disciplined resource management. I’d rather see class iso farming options tbh. Maybe then I’ll have a gold problem.
    28 million isn't that much gold either, I have guys in my alliances who double that amount so there is a vast difference.

    So if you have guys in your alliance, who I'd have to assume are in the same position as you in terms of progression and champions needing to be ranked up etc. Then why do they have 56 million gold or more, yet you are struggling to have enough gold to do rank ups in the long term, that's causing you specifically to have materials in the stash.

    Seems like, once again, you have a resource management problem.

    You have no excuse if the people who are "at the same level" as you keep on exclaiming so proudly, have nearly 10 times the amount of gold as you do, doing the same content each week and month?

    This one sentence of "I have guys in my alliance with double that amount" almost completely invalidates your argument of a gold problem.

    The guys in my alliance with that much gold are whales. They sell numerous amounts of iso which is why they have so much gold . So once again you are completely wrong and off base. Do you know anything that a high level account requires? Probably not if you didn't understand that 56 million gold means you're a whale outside of spending your entire life in arena.

    So my argument still stands firm.
    So here we get to the crux of the issue. Not playing content that rewards you with resources, being battlechips, Gold, and units, that you can then use to get more gold from.

    56 million isn't even a whale amount of gold. Not even close. If people can earn thousands of units every month from doing arena and opening arena crystala, regardless of how dull it is, and using those units to buy crystals to dupe champions and sell excess iso to gain gold, it proves that there is a functional and easy way to get gold.

    The avenues are there, regardless of it being enjoyable. Had your argument have been "There's no enjoyable way to mass earn gold" I might have agreed with you on some level, but to say that there's a potential for a future gold issue when there's an infinitely grindable source available to all players, is just fundamentally a person issue for those players not willing to do it.

    Time is money. If you have money and no time, you spend. If you have time and no money, you grind. If you have neither, perhaps trying to be at the top end where either one of those things is a necessity isn't a place you should keep pushing at. The players have built this time/money investment and Kabam has catered to that philosophy and profited from it. This is a player created issue, and it's a player choice whether to pursue with that or not. No one but the individual is making themselves do anything in this game. If you don't want to do one aspect of the game, don't except all other aspects to be easily available or accessible.

  • This content has been removed.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    ItsDamien said:

    ItsDamien said:

    Izze_King said:

    Addyos said:

    Addyos said:

    Kabam will have to fix the gold issue one way or the other. I just suggest that they fix it now to avoid all the screaming they will have on forums when r3 6 stars become a regular occurrence and the biggest of whales won't be able to keep up.

    What does Kabam need to fix exactly? If you choose to do Map 7 or rank a bunch of 5*s and 6*s indiscriminately (or both), and are not utilising the myriad of avenues to obtain gold explained in great detail on this very same thread, then that’s on you. Not Kabam.
    You have 0 clue what you're talking about. Have you 100% act 6? Done initial clear of Abyss? Do you know how many t5bs and and t2 alphas I have expiring forcing me to rankup? Of course you don't. I'm talking end game grown folks talk. This doesn't concern you.
    Have I 100% act 6? Not yet. Done initial clear of Abyss? No. Do I know how many t5bs and and t2 alphas you have expiring forcing you to rankup? No, but I have over 24 million gold and tons of gold crystals, so when I do get to the stage you’re at, I’ll not be wanting for gold since I regularly hit arenas, do incursions ever so often, run quests everyday, sell excess iso when needed and the list goes on and on and on...

    Will using these resources eat into my gold supply when I get to that stage in the game? Sure. Will using these resources cause a gold problem for me. Nope, because I’ve done the groundwork to never be short on gold for a long time. So again, what’s the gold issue that Kabam needs to fix? Or is it an issue you need to fix for yourself, when the solutions are already there?

    I’m in the same boat. I will never have a shortage on resources as long as I play this game. I had 33M when V4 came out and since then I have r5ed 10 5*, r4ed 11 5*, lvl25 15 6* and I’m still at 28M. It takes disciplined resource management. I’d rather see class iso farming options tbh. Maybe then I’ll have a gold problem.
    28 million isn't that much gold either, I have guys in my alliances who double that amount so there is a vast difference.

    So if you have guys in your alliance, who I'd have to assume are in the same position as you in terms of progression and champions needing to be ranked up etc. Then why do they have 56 million gold or more, yet you are struggling to have enough gold to do rank ups in the long term, that's causing you specifically to have materials in the stash.

    Seems like, once again, you have a resource management problem.

    You have no excuse if the people who are "at the same level" as you keep on exclaiming so proudly, have nearly 10 times the amount of gold as you do, doing the same content each week and month?

    This one sentence of "I have guys in my alliance with double that amount" almost completely invalidates your argument of a gold problem.

    The guys in my alliance with that much gold are whales. They sell numerous amounts of iso which is why they have so much gold . So once again you are completely wrong and off base. Do you know anything that a high level account requires? Probably not if you didn't understand that 56 million gold means you're a whale outside of spending your entire life in arena.

    So my argument still stands firm.
    So here we get to the crux of the issue. Not playing content that rewards you with resources, being battlechips, Gold, and units, that you can then use to get more gold from.

    56 million isn't even a whale amount of gold. Not even close. If people can earn thousands of units every month from doing arena and opening arena crystala, regardless of how dull it is, and using those units to buy crystals to dupe champions and sell excess iso to gain gold, it proves that there is a functional and easy way to get gold.

    The avenues are there, regardless of it being enjoyable. Had your argument have been "There's no enjoyable way to mass earn gold" I might have agreed with you on some level, but to say that there's a potential for a future gold issue when there's an infinitely grindable source available to all players, is just fundamentally a person issue for those players not willing to do it.

    Time is money. If you have money and no time, you spend. If you have time and no money, you grind. If you have neither, perhaps trying to be at the top end where either one of those things is a necessity isn't a place you should keep pushing at. The players have built this time/money investment and Kabam has catered to that philosophy and profited from it. This is a player created issue, and it's a player choice whether to pursue with that or not. No one but the individual is making themselves do anything in this game. If you don't want to do one aspect of the game, don't except all other aspects to be easily available or accessible.

    You're calling me a clown yet I'm better than you at the game in every way. Your trying to get to where I am not the other way around. So you can keep you advice on how to play the game. If you want to spend your life in arena go for it. Just don't tell me I shouldn't hold Kabam accountable for stifling gold on purpose. The jealousy you're displaying is very unbecoming.

    Your entire argument is weak sauce and 56 million plus is whale status unless you have an arena bot.
  • MastercrisMastercris Member Posts: 87
    The issue is really simple to spot
    There is no evolution since 4 star champions regarding ISO. We get the same amount of ISO for a 6-star dupes as for 4-stars, but the costs for ranking these higher rarity champions have increased. 24 T5 ISO were great for 4 Stars, because they helped you rank up several levels. BUT 24 T5 ISO is not much for ranking up a 6-star to rank 2. So the costs have increased, but the amount of ISO we are getting from a champ is still the same. At the same time: Gold is hidden behind lenghty content. Either incursions or Arena. People with a lot of time or a lot of money don't have gold issues, but others are struggling. We need T6 ISO and a Gold Arena. I have played a lot of multiplayer or collecting heroes games and this game is the only one that makes it so hard to have gold. When I play other games, I usually lack the materials and not the gold, but MCOC does it vice versa which is frustrating, because the gold issue is holding players back. It stops you from ranking new champions and facing new challenges and I don't understand why gold has to be such an issue.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★

    Addyos said:

    Addyos said:

    Addyos said:

    Addyos said:

    Kabam will have to fix the gold issue one way or the other. I just suggest that they fix it now to avoid all the screaming they will have on forums when r3 6 stars become a regular occurrence and the biggest of whales won't be able to keep up.

    What does Kabam need to fix exactly? If you choose to do Map 7 or rank a bunch of 5*s and 6*s indiscriminately (or both), and are not utilising the myriad of avenues to obtain gold explained in great detail on this very same thread, then that’s on you. Not Kabam.
    You have 0 clue what you're talking about. Have you 100% act 6? Done initial clear of Abyss? Do you know how many t5bs and and t2 alphas I have expiring forcing me to rankup? Of course you don't. I'm talking end game grown folks talk. This doesn't concern you.
    Have I 100% act 6? Not yet. Done initial clear of Abyss? No. Do I know how many t5bs and and t2 alphas you have expiring forcing you to rankup? No, but I have over 24 million gold and tons of gold crystals, so when I do get to the stage you’re at, I’ll not be wanting for gold since I regularly hit arenas, do incursions ever so often, run quests everyday, sell excess iso when needed and the list goes on and on and on...

    Will using these resources eat into my gold supply when I get to that stage in the game? Sure. Will using these resources cause a gold problem for me. Nope, because I’ve done the groundwork to never be short on gold for a long time. So again, what’s the gold issue that Kabam needs to fix? Or is it an issue you need to fix for yourself, when the solutions are already there?
    You don't qualify for this discussion. I had 16 million gold before I completed act 6. After I did all my rankups I was at 5 million. You are ignorant first and foremost and you are not on a level to compare your gold usage to mine. This is why you think 24 million is a lot of gold and its not.
    How exactly you know what level I am, or why I don’t qualify for this discussion is something I’d like to know lol, since I don’t know you personally and you’re making broad assumptions. What I do suspect though is that you’re running Map 7x5. If that’s the case, then there’s your gold issue right there. Because you choose to do AQ maps that have intensive gold requirements. Which nobody is holding a gun to your head to do. That’s your choice, and if your gold level takes a dip, then big shocker.

    I hear you on the amount of gold you had before and after Act 6. But again, the gold issue you talk about is mainly on you. Not Kabam in this instance.
    Once again you're logic is to penalize me for playing at the highest levels of this game. That is absolutely a Kabam problem. If you want to play at a slow pace that is fine but don't blame me for over achieving. Thats weak sauce.

    “Why is Map 7 so expensive?
    Map 7 is more rewarding than Map 6 - both in points and in Map Crystals. In order to emphasize the degree of difficulty and also to require commitment up front, the map cost has been set intentionally high.

    You’re not being penalised for playing at the highest levels in the game. You are PAYING to play at the highest levels of the game. That quote came directly from the post when Map 7 was introduced. Since then, the donation costs for Map 7 were slightly reduced, but are still beefy.

    So again, nobody is forcing you to play at the highest levels of the game. But you have to pay the costs that our Kabam overlords set to keep playing at said levels, which includes lots of gold. For the last time, the gold issue here is on you. Not Kabam.
    Well I'm telling you they will have to change it. Just like I predicted they would nerf parts of act 6. You have no foresight.
    They can't change peoples' spending habits.
    What does that have anything to do with the gold problem? Seriously, stop wasting time with actual game issues.
    The problem is people spend more than they make.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★

    The issue is really simple to spot
    There is no evolution since 4 star champions regarding ISO. We get the same amount of ISO for a 6-star dupes as for 4-stars, but the costs for ranking these higher rarity champions have increased. 24 T5 ISO were great for 4 Stars, because they helped you rank up several levels. BUT 24 T5 ISO is not much for ranking up a 6-star to rank 2. So the costs have increased, but the amount of ISO we are getting from a champ is still the same. At the same time: Gold is hidden behind lenghty content. Either incursions or Arena. People with a lot of time or a lot of money don't have gold issues, but others are struggling. We need T6 ISO and a Gold Arena. I have played a lot of multiplayer or collecting heroes games and this game is the only one that makes it so hard to have gold. When I play other games, I usually lack the materials and not the gold, but MCOC does it vice versa which is frustrating, because the gold issue is holding players back. It stops you from ranking new champions and facing new challenges and I don't understand why gold has to be such an issue.

    To act like there's not a gold problem is silly and is really just a time wasting mechanism to be pro Kabam. Nobody is falling for that.

    Two easy solutions. You double and triple the iso given for dupped 5 and 6 stars respectively. Or you cut rank up costs in half which would be easier, that's it.
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  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,098 ★★★★
    edited July 2020

    I also noticed people can disagree with my prior comment but not refute it...

    I didn’t bother replying because instead of arguing with persons who seem to want to have gold handed to them on a er...silver platter just because they feel they are at a higher “level” to other players, I just went back in the game and did my regular questing and arenas on my ‘lowly’ account.

    You know, playing the game and earning gold instead of complaining about a lack of gold on the forums. Which is a much better use of my time. Cheers.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,254 ★★★★★
    Addyos said:

    I also noticed people can disagree with my prior comment but not refute it...

    I didn’t bother replying because instead of arguing with persons who seem to want to have gold handed to them on a er...silver platter just because they feel they are at a higher “level” to other players, I just went back in the game and did my regular questing and arenas on my ‘lowly’ account.

    You know, playing the game and earning gold instead of complaining about a lack of gold on the forums. Which is a much better use of my time. Cheers.
    Yet you came back. Invalidating your entire message. Pathetic just like your account
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    edited July 2020

    Addyos said:

    I also noticed people can disagree with my prior comment but not refute it...

    I didn’t bother replying because instead of arguing with persons who seem to want to have gold handed to them on a er...silver platter just because they feel they are at a higher “level” to other players, I just went back in the game and did my regular questing and arenas on my ‘lowly’ account.

    You know, playing the game and earning gold instead of complaining about a lack of gold on the forums. Which is a much better use of my time. Cheers.
    Pathetic just like me and my ego
    Fixed that for you

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  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,098 ★★★★

    Addyos said:

    I also noticed people can disagree with my prior comment but not refute it...

    I didn’t bother replying because instead of arguing with persons who seem to want to have gold handed to them on a er...silver platter just because they feel they are at a higher “level” to other players, I just went back in the game and did my regular questing and arenas on my ‘lowly’ account.

    You know, playing the game and earning gold instead of complaining about a lack of gold on the forums. Which is a much better use of my time. Cheers.
    Yet you came back. Invalidating your entire message. Pathetic just like your account

    Yeah my account’s pathetic since I don’t have a shiny r3 6* on my profile. Ah well. You got me there.
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    Addyos said:

    Addyos said:

    I also noticed people can disagree with my prior comment but not refute it...

    I didn’t bother replying because instead of arguing with persons who seem to want to have gold handed to them on a er...silver platter just because they feel they are at a higher “level” to other players, I just went back in the game and did my regular questing and arenas on my ‘lowly’ account.

    You know, playing the game and earning gold instead of complaining about a lack of gold on the forums. Which is a much better use of my time. Cheers.
    Yet you came back. Invalidating your entire message. Pathetic just like your account

    Yeah my account’s pathetic since I don’t have a shiny r3 6* on my profile. Ah well. You got me there.
    OMG u dunt haf R3 6* on proffil? U pafetic d00d

  • Skywalker3221Skywalker3221 Member Posts: 156 ★★
    edited July 2020
    Daddrieda said:

    dot_ditto said:

    kabam, please add more way to get gold. all those 5*/6* rank up require insane amount of gold. Always short on gold/iso 😔

    This month's EQ has - technically .. unlimited gold ..

    Go into Northern Expeditions .. it's 0 energy cost ... run a few tiles, a few fights, etc ...
    exit, lather, rinse, repeat .. until you get how much gold you want.

    problem solved.
    That could be a way, but wouldn’t solve the problem. For example how much time would it require a player to do the Northern Expedition quest to farm 100k golds compared how you could easy get 100k golds from incursion in about a hour or so.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Saving and waiting to rankup actually compounds the issue, unless more gold is made available in the game the other resources become useless unless they can be balanced by a reasonable amount of time required in arena, believe me arena isn’t a quick fix, so sure you can say don’t play that high a tier in the game but for kabam to be saying that with their gold imbalance is actually disingenuous it doesn’t make sense driving people to not bother playing high end, that’s a terrible business model
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Anybody that thinks this guy having an extra 3/45 every 6 months (and being able to use the t2a he is earning) without burning out on the game by killing himself in arena is somehow going to break the game please speak up. the noobs will rank more 3* and more ranking for arena all round, arena will always be used for f2p units and if you think anybody starting the game now is going to catch up to the top (or you) if they don’t have to grind so much in arena.
    Drop the rankup costs or give more iso for 5 and 6*. It’s actually only going to benefit the players
  • Deadlygamer98Deadlygamer98 Member Posts: 743 ★★★
    edited July 2020
    You have been on my thread viewing thing for days.
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