Abyss run or Suicide Masteries?

Normax_XNormax_X Member Posts: 650 ★★★★
edited July 2020 in Strategy and Tips
So I have some really good suicide friendly champs (6* Capmovie, 5* capmovie, claire voyant, colossus, omega red, mysterio, etc) and I have enough units for either an abyss run or unlocking suicides, but idk which I should do since i got those units from July 4th deals and it takes me a long time to grind back 4k units cz I get bored of arena. So shoot and lemme know which is best.

Abyss run or Suicide Masteries? 51 votes

GamerRaganatorFallencircusIronBlaze09Baseballguy711Duke_SilverpseudosaneHalleyTexas_11Gamesbond90spaceoctopusAleorCiciliatogfan_13EtjamakubricknolanTimeGenesisThicco_ModeBonzodavidILLUSION8 34 votes
Manup456Alex13369ShrimpRHedgedog387KevanproGAdityatheaawesomTivjyotKill_GreyMoeyTehrMiStaLovaKRANꓘChriissRFiiNCHKatzastrophe_Od1nMephistoArtoria77Stark154667 17 votes


  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    Aol is actually kinda nice, it's fun to play there. Except final boss
    Suicides I don't find fun at all. Recoil just sucks.
  • ChriissRChriissR Member Posts: 655 ★★★★
    Suicides, especially if you have Corvus, Ghost, Warlock and other suicide friendly champs. They're game changing especially if your grinding arena
  • HalleyHalley Member Posts: 575 ★★★
    I think Suicides will limit your usable champs, which is not cool, not fun to play.
    Especially I hate Recoil, which limit your usage of specials.
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    Tough question. AoL will give you greater rewards sooner. Suicides will make arena grinding much easier to get more units to do things like AoL more comfortably.
  • King_Leo321King_Leo321 Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★
    I can relate I am struggling with this the most right now. But I think you should do Abyss run first,you can open Suicides later.
  • Katzastrophe_Od1nKatzastrophe_Od1n Member Posts: 223 ★★
    suicides will help you more in the long run and they stay forever. save that one path in abyss for later
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