4.4 million alliance needs 1 for our BG3
We have a great collection of strong solid players but we're currently trimming some inactive players and now need one skilled, fast-growing summoner to join our BG3.
Tier 9 in AW. Advanced bracket in AQ. Usually we run Map 3 but we are towards 5 early in the week. We hit SA every week; no saving shenanigans, just shards.
Line app required. Add me in game (tksc4) or on Line (tkscfour)
Tier 9 in AW. Advanced bracket in AQ. Usually we run Map 3 but we are towards 5 early in the week. We hit SA every week; no saving shenanigans, just shards.
Line app required. Add me in game (tksc4) or on Line (tkscfour)