Minor Red Guardian Tweak

I’d like to just cut to the chase and say that Red Guardians Trauma debuff is too short. However, rather than extending the time on the debuff, what if Red Guardian could just temporarily power lock or power drain champs? If this were to be implemented, Red Guardian would suddenly become much more versatile and become more valuable in terms of “bang for your buck.” He would still require skill to use, but with a power lock feature, it would allow you to not have to try to bait/ sit through special animations and we wouldn’t have to waste that time that we have to refresh his debuffs. Please take this into consideration. I know that just extending his debuff duration might not be the direction you guys wanted to take with RG, but I think implementing this feature on him would allow him to be more sought after, and provide some more utility and versatility all-around. Thanks for reading!
I’d like to just cut to the chase and say that Red Guardians Trauma debuff is too short. However, rather than extending the time on the debuff, what if Red Guardian could just temporarily power lock or power drain champs? If this were to be implemented, Red Guardian would suddenly become much more versatile and become more valuable in terms of “bang for your buck.” He would still require skill to use, but with a power lock feature, it would allow you to not have to try to bait/ sit through special animations and we wouldn’t have to waste that time that we have to refresh his debuffs. Please take this into consideration. I know that just extending his debuff duration might not be the direction you guys wanted to take with RG, but I think implementing this feature on him would allow him to be more sought after, and provide some more utility and versatility all-around. Thanks for reading!