Cyclopes buff ideas

Let’s start with that I love Cyclopes but he’s not as good as he needs to be.
First buff should be similar to Hyperions sp1 where it can cause incinerate for each hit when using his eye black, plus an armor break and have block penetration in his specials not his awaken ability.
Second make him energy resistant and shock immune there are very few shock immune champs and I think that would be great for him giving him a bit more diversity.
Third change his awaken ability to something that can buff his armor break like if he uses any of his Specials while his opponent has and amor break rebuff it causes the break to change to and armor shatter making him a good soft counter to robot champions. And the duration of the shatter increases with each sig level.
Forth, add rupture to him that way it can buff his damage out put and make him a great option for longer fights.
This maybe to strong but I took inspiration from Havok and Medusa with these buffs. If you guys have other ideas let’s all talk and try to come up for a good buff for Cyclopes
First buff should be similar to Hyperions sp1 where it can cause incinerate for each hit when using his eye black, plus an armor break and have block penetration in his specials not his awaken ability.
Second make him energy resistant and shock immune there are very few shock immune champs and I think that would be great for him giving him a bit more diversity.
Third change his awaken ability to something that can buff his armor break like if he uses any of his Specials while his opponent has and amor break rebuff it causes the break to change to and armor shatter making him a good soft counter to robot champions. And the duration of the shatter increases with each sig level.
Forth, add rupture to him that way it can buff his damage out put and make him a great option for longer fights.
This maybe to strong but I took inspiration from Havok and Medusa with these buffs. If you guys have other ideas let’s all talk and try to come up for a good buff for Cyclopes