5.2.4 I'm assuming? Sabretooth+Killmonger is a great option if you have a high level Sabretooth, high Damage over time champions work pretty good as well
I'm just doing 5.2 at the moment, I've finished 5.2.4 and from what I can remember from 5.2.3 is that you don't need champions like Sabertooth with no buffs - just avoid champions with lots of buffs. Avoid dexterity, turn it off if that's hard. My MVP for that quest was Doom - he sometimes does trigger buffet but he can out damage it. But watch out for masochism in the next quest, for that you need sabretooth. I had him maxed out for that but later found out I don't have killmonger. So I used Domino instead - she works, high damage, barely any buffs. But I don't have a high ranked bleed immune so Storm was a problem - 3 revives used on her. Good Luck!
I'm just doing 5.2 at the moment, I've finished 5.2.4 and from what I can remember from 5.2.3 is that you don't need champions like Sabertooth with no buffs - just avoid champions with lots of buffs. Avoid dexterity, turn it off if that's hard. My MVP for that quest was Doom - he sometimes does trigger buffet but he can out damage it. But watch out for masochism in the next quest, for that you need sabretooth. I had him maxed out for that but later found out I don't have killmonger. So I used Domino instead - she works, high damage, barely any buffs. But I don't have a high ranked bleed immune so Storm was a problem - 3 revives used on her. Good Luck!
Take the Deadpool, Colossus, Punisher, IP path (on the left), then path A (Iron Man, Deadpool X force, War Machine, Hulk, Loki then Storm. Try and learn to intercept, use dexterity a ton, hit into their block (doesn't deal much damage, but it makes a dent after a while). It's a harder quest, but especially with the new calendar, it isn't that bad provided you have some high-damage champions unreliant on buffs. Storm's hard if you don't have any high-leveled bleed immunes but a few revives will cover it.
5* Champions I have:
Wasp(Rank 4), Namor(Rank 4), Corvus (Rank 4,Duped), Iron IW(Rank 4), Stealth suit Spidey, Vision Arrkus, Mister Fantastic, Havok, Doc Oak, Vision (OG(Duped), Killmonger, Spider-gwen, Iceman, Hyperion, Green Goblin, Angela, Luke Cage, Iron Patriot, Iron Man (OG), Juggernaut, Korg, Gwenpool, Agent Venom, The Hood, Iron Fist, Beast, Spiderman (classic), Groot, Unstoppable Colossus, and Elsa Bloodstone