Hulk synergy with sasquatch

Its just a thought and anyone can confirm it that is it possible if i pair up hulk and sasquatch with heimdall and hela/angela(basically heimdall fury synergy) and start a fight against any power gain champion like Hyperion, mordo, mephisto, sym supreme and at the start of fight i trigger the heimdall indefinite fury then the opponent will be permanently power drained as they are getting 150% reduced power gain affect. if this is true then hulk is gonna be a very popular choice for powergain path
The 3 Star Sasquatch also has the Hulkbuster Synergy which gives him an Extra Armor Up, but Hulk and Hulkbuster also have a Synergy together making Hulk Immune to All Nullify, Fate Seal, and Stagger Effects.
So this little Trio will make Hulk an Amazing Counter for Symbiote Supreme, Dr Strange, and Sorcerer Supreme because they wouldn't be able to stop the Power Reversal on top of the other Power Gain Champions like Hyperion and Havok.