TILE 46 behaviour in Tier 7 (Hard Buffs) Alliance War REDUCED DAMAGE??

So tile 46 has the following Buffs:
1. Champion Boost - +150% Attack & Health
2. Health - +75% Health
3. Strike Counter - Combat Power Rate - The Attacker starts with 5 light charge(s), 5 Medium Charge(s), and 2 Heavy Charge(s). A Charge is removed whenever the attacker lands a corresponding Attack, and all charges are reset when the Attacker lands a special Attack. When any charge reaches 0, the attackers combat power rate decreases over time until charges are reset.
4. Buffet - Every 7 seconds the next Buff triggered by the attacker is immediately Nullified. Each time this effect triggers, the defender will regenerate 5% of their max health.
5. Boost Buff (Armor Up) 1 - The defenders Armor up buffs gain +25% duration and ability accuracy. When struck with a critical hit, the defender will remove 1 armor up buff to reduce the damage to 0.
So the past 3 Wars ive been up against 2 Mutant and 1 Tech defender on that node. This war i was up against a Cable. My 6*R2 CG had 3 Charges on him like all the previous wars and in every war his Mediums have been dealin 2.4k damage and lights have been doing 1.6k damage. Why is this? He should be hitting around 5k mediums against mutants and 7k mediums against tech defenders. None of the buffs on that node state anything about damage reduction...
Has anyone else come up against this?
I will make a video in the next war.
1. Champion Boost - +150% Attack & Health
2. Health - +75% Health
3. Strike Counter - Combat Power Rate - The Attacker starts with 5 light charge(s), 5 Medium Charge(s), and 2 Heavy Charge(s). A Charge is removed whenever the attacker lands a corresponding Attack, and all charges are reset when the Attacker lands a special Attack. When any charge reaches 0, the attackers combat power rate decreases over time until charges are reset.
4. Buffet - Every 7 seconds the next Buff triggered by the attacker is immediately Nullified. Each time this effect triggers, the defender will regenerate 5% of their max health.
5. Boost Buff (Armor Up) 1 - The defenders Armor up buffs gain +25% duration and ability accuracy. When struck with a critical hit, the defender will remove 1 armor up buff to reduce the damage to 0.
So the past 3 Wars ive been up against 2 Mutant and 1 Tech defender on that node. This war i was up against a Cable. My 6*R2 CG had 3 Charges on him like all the previous wars and in every war his Mediums have been dealin 2.4k damage and lights have been doing 1.6k damage. Why is this? He should be hitting around 5k mediums against mutants and 7k mediums against tech defenders. None of the buffs on that node state anything about damage reduction...
Has anyone else come up against this?
I will make a video in the next war.