Expiring iso and gold bug

StrategicStrategic Member Posts: 632 ★★★
Okay I just had a ton of tier 5 tech iso that expired in my stash that I didn't sell and have a ton of other iso about to expire in about 43 minutes and more later.

So my question is if you're going to take all that gold back once you fix this bug how am I gonna be compensated for all the gold I lost because I can't sell them? It's literally hundreds of thousands worth of iso so a 10k gold compensation or something like that won't even come close to compensate me for this stupid bug!

Also clearly it's not just iso but any item that gives gold, but in my case it's just a ton of iso.
Expiring items I'm using up since it's ironically item use event :/

Any mod has an answer to this?
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