Need 45 T1A

winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,328 ★★★★★
Solo player and adverse to unitman. :D
What is the quickest way to get T1A (apart from EQ and T1A arena)?


  • Ashton2099Ashton2099 Member Posts: 7
    I would say to do alliance quest for glory, but I think since you said "solo" you wouldn't want to do that.
  • LibralonixLibralonix Member Posts: 229
    You could do alliance quest map 1 and just run through it on your own, that would provide a fair amount of glory for your t1a needs. I'd also suggest taking a look at the current side quest this month as I beleive there were some t1a shard available on the heroic difficulty (apologies if I'm wrong). But in my opinion the best/quickest way to get then is the t1a arena unfortunately. What is your current story progression, as theres quite a few t1a knocking about in the act rewards.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,328 ★★★★★
    edited July 2020
    Started with 4 when I posted.
    Used 2 to rank 5 one 4-Star.

    Completed all milestone of T1A arena.
    Now 5.

    40 to go. :o
  • KoiBoy18KoiBoy18 Member Posts: 350 ★★★
    Who are you trying to rank up in one go?
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,328 ★★★★★
    edited August 2020
    Generous Solo Objective.
    Couple more days and I can rank 2 3 5-Stars (Colossus, Hulkbuster and Massacre). :)

    Now the problem is Gold. :(

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