Can a 5/65 Unawakened Colossus do LOL?

I've seen people like KT1 absolutely breeze through LOL with an awakened Colossus, but would an unawakened Colossus be able to do it? Would the strategy be to spam sp1 to gain permanent armor ups or just keep hitting sp2s. I don't have Aegon, so he's my best option. Got any thoughts or tips? Thanks.
By the time you've gotten all your perma armors and ready to do SP 2's you'll probably be dead to random evade or second enrage.
Just spam sp1 and after 20 cycle sp2 as fast as possible. With Emma synergy you’re throwing a special nearly every combo after a while.
Do a few fights and see how many hits you’re getting them down in.
Awakened r5 no boosts w/Emma and omega short fights are roughly 200-250 hits long fights 400. You could use 200% power boost to cycle sp2 faster.
You don’t need to parry, with Emma synergy you are throwing so many specials you are nearly always building them to a bar of power so you can punish theirs. The stuns aren’t wasted as you can land a massive heavy or start a new combo.
If you can’t intercept or or find another way to an opening on the rare occasion you’re not punishing a special, you can use sp3 effect to start combos.
I’d estimate you’ll be at 20 armour before 100 hits, probably 80-90. At that point you’re hitting like a fricking truck, no way on the world you’re going into the final enrage timer.
(Ok, I accidentally do 2 parries 😂)
I’d say you’re good to go dude.
His awakened ability and high sig helps when u throw sp2s and want to use this method to build armors. It is faster to deal damage this way but I still played colossus as if he was unawakened (spamming sp1) and still had a good time in LOL. Just make sure u bring a magik counter along w/ his full synergies. Gl when u do it 👍
R4 is almost def gonna hit the timer prob about 30-40% of the fight left.
I have deep wounds at max fwiw
Differences between the fights would be in the sp1 spam tactic starlord definitely threw specials a bit more freely. Defo lost a little flow a couple of times baiting and dropped to 20 but I’m not sure if the Ai were the same it would account for anything more than 10% less hits over the fight.
Same synergy team Emma/omega/beast/SIM
Sig 70-80 not really sure as I’m slowly creeping him up.
So, not sure where significantly faster is coming from?
Is that comment theoretical or proven?
Maybe nearer max sig or vs for eg agent venom where you are gaining Armour from immunity?
Don’t wanna be a geek too much but I’m going for 100% with colossus so always testing new synergy teams and ways to make him faster, not saying I’ve cracked it yet so keen to learn if there’s a way to get starlord closer to 300 hits. For me that would be significantly faster...