I mean you have Stary Spidey he’s like the best option for the Collecter. Also watch out on Masochism. I would R5 BWCV for that quest and take Caltrops. I did just that and the amount of Cheese was just ridiculous.
Save up daily and 5hr crystals to reduce units used as if you already uses 200 units, then at the collector and 5.2.4, i cant imagine how much you would use.
I'm gonna go against the trend and say no, you're not ready (unless you have a lot of units or health pots). If you had spent units in 5.1.6, the Collector is much worse than that. Either practice a bit more or have those units / pots saved up before you go for it
Your best roster would probably be Hype, HT, Stark Spidey, Black Widow CV, and either Domino or Magik. Could also rank up your Medusa yk.
In my opinion
I'll said you should at least wait till u have 5 4*maxed at least, or 5*r3.