Convince me to not awaken Doom or Guillotine 2099?

My top five champs are a duped 5* Blade, duped 5* Quake, duped 5* Warlock, 5* Doom, and 5* Guillotine 2099, all maxed out. I have a 5* mystic awakening gem, and a 5* tech awakening gem. Fighting the resistance I have to awaken the two unawakened ones.
I just recently got Doom, but I've been playing with Guillotine 2099 for a while. I really want to awaken Doom, because I really just want that look on his account and to rank him even higher in my top five - but I've heard that he doesn't need to be awakened to be effective (which is true; I've been killing it with him), and that I should save that mystic gem for a Ghost Rider or something (other unawakened mystic champs I have: Black Widow CV r3, Morningstar r1, Tigra r1, Man-Thing r1). I've been dying to awaken him, but it feels like the wrong decision based on some things I've heard.
Same for Guillotine 2099 - I've been doing amazing with her unawakened, but it's tough for me to withstand not pulling the trigger. Other unawakened 5* tech: Mysterio r2, and r1 Green Goblin, Sentinel, Vulture, Starlord.
What do you guys think? Is either of them worth awakening? Under what scenario do you think they *would* be worth awakening?
I just recently got Doom, but I've been playing with Guillotine 2099 for a while. I really want to awaken Doom, because I really just want that look on his account and to rank him even higher in my top five - but I've heard that he doesn't need to be awakened to be effective (which is true; I've been killing it with him), and that I should save that mystic gem for a Ghost Rider or something (other unawakened mystic champs I have: Black Widow CV r3, Morningstar r1, Tigra r1, Man-Thing r1). I've been dying to awaken him, but it feels like the wrong decision based on some things I've heard.
Same for Guillotine 2099 - I've been doing amazing with her unawakened, but it's tough for me to withstand not pulling the trigger. Other unawakened 5* tech: Mysterio r2, and r1 Green Goblin, Sentinel, Vulture, Starlord.
What do you guys think? Is either of them worth awakening? Under what scenario do you think they *would* be worth awakening?
Any reason to not awaken Guillotine 2099?
As for guillotine 2099, she has absolutely no additional benefits from awakening her. Use the tech gem on sentinel instead, if you plan on ranking him up for variant 2 and 3.
For guillotine 2099, the extra sigs reduce the cooldown of power shield activation.
I would just save the gem