Arena matching

I hope the matching algorithm normalizes the competition. Seems unfair players can match even fights with 3 x 5* 2/35, while players with mid-tier rosters get more blocks to growing rosters, with 1500 PI teams consisted of at least a 3/45. As if the t1a cat quantity needs is restrictive enough
Death matches not sitting for sp3 is more fair, but still not fun, for me. I’d imagine some people like opponents with higher PI for more match points, though
Death matches not sitting for sp3 is more fair, but still not fun, for me. I’d imagine some people like opponents with higher PI for more match points, though
Use higher tier champs then.
Pretty certain any 5* 2 x 2/35 + 1 x 1/25 will get hard fights, until fight 21 in 5* featured. It gets worse, as you get stronger. I won't use 2 x 2/35 until fight 67. And there are still iffy fights that I sidestep, until 66 - 80
Looking at your formula I do the same, but the only difference is that I do this 5* r3 or r2 x2 and 4* r5. This has always seem to avoid me death squad after achieving infinite streak
Jugg and UC get killed by HT and Thing nowadays
Though the disproportionate number of Things, Annilus, G99, etc will be this just irritating cost for this fix